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  1. hershey

    Jason Anderson has been placed on a 6-month AMA

    I dont think anything barcia or Anderson did the last couple years is a problem, it's racing. And rc saying it isn't is a joke, he had his fair share of dirty moves.
  2. hershey

    Congrats Mitch Zaremba!

    True bit it's also one reason Mitch hasn't been there before. He just got support.
  3. hershey

    Travis Pastrana Qualifies for Daytona 500

    Yeah, spun him out because he couldn't pass him legit. And people say sx is rough.
  4. hershey

    2023 2-stroke Concept Bikes

    Build your own
  5. hershey

    Congrats Mitch Zaremba!

    Nice, about time !!
  6. hershey

    Rider Support & Discount Codes

    And on big bike tires only too, just found that out ... damn it
  7. hershey

    Rider Support & Discount Codes

    RMATV purchases don't work with this rebate, I just tried.
  8. hershey


    I don't think "I'm not a critic" means what you think it means! Lmao Track was awesome ! Nothing boring about the races this year, have you not watched numerous take out moves? Last lap antics? Hunter came from way back to win in a last corner pass? Tomac eating s**t? Webb back on his game...
  9. hershey


  10. hershey

    Bar bends

    Huh???? The tall seat extends the length between your ass and the pegs. Makes it easier for tall riders to stand and sit, makes it ergonomically better for tall riders. I'm running a tall seat on Austin's 85 now because of his height. You should at least try it.
  11. hershey

    Travis Pastrana Qualifies for Daytona 500

    Confused, he had to qualify did he not?
  12. hershey


    Watching practice, Brayton is such a sissie, his comments are so cry baby sounding. I'm convinced he voted for Biden.
  13. hershey

    Jason Anderson has been placed on a 6-month AMA

    Even Barcia said the moves weren't dirty. This penalty is a joke Like Baker said, others were praised for far worse last race.
  14. hershey

    Aliens are Coming

    It's a cover up again. The military doesn't shoot down things when they aren't sure what it is. Don't be that nieve
  15. hershey

    Aliens are Coming

    Good movie! But he didn't shoot them down, flew a plane into their weapon as it began firing sequence. Get your Sci fi story straight ! Lol
  16. hershey

    Aliens are Coming

    Anyone who thinks we can just shoot down aliens from another world are crazy. They didn't travel light years through space with technology that would require protection from space debris only to be shot down by a missle. Lmfao The gov is playing shadow games with this Balloon crap, they are up...
  17. hershey

    New for 2023 Chest and Back Protection

    I agree 100% but I still say that is a choice.
  18. hershey

    AMA Gopro rule

    It's not Feld, it's the AMA
  19. hershey

    AMA Gopro rule

    So, brining up the past, can anyone point to a case where a gopro actually has caused an injury ? I know there has been mention of an incident where it was a possibility that a helmet mounted camera caused an injury. But where is the proof? And if it were an issue, why didn't we see a bunch of...
  20. hershey

    Who's ready for some Tampa SX?

    Just watch the last few laps