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  1. ck1racerx

    Dungey coming back

    I feel a bet coming on… I win, you have to change your picture to “I love Bill” You win, I will finally tell you who really took a dump on the fender of your trailer.
  2. ck1racerx

    Dungey coming back

    Oh, and don't forget, his is only 32. Eli is 29... So yeah, Bust out the jester hats.
  3. ck1racerx

    Dungey coming back

    You guys are crazy. The Dung is going to win it all. No one is more consistent. No one is smarter. His race craft puts him as one of the best. And you know his conditioning will also be top notch or he wouldn't do it. Frenchy and Toesmack are both hurt or coming back form injury. I honestly...
  4. ck1racerx

    Dungey coming back

    Step two is done. Already committed to the entire series. 2022 Champ. Dung and Hershey's head just exploded.
  5. ck1racerx

    Lets talk Byron qualifier

    I won the regional there in 1984... I'm sure its still the same.
  6. ck1racerx

    Suzuki is done

    Give it a couple years and we will have yellow KTM's to go with the white, red and orange ones.
  7. ck1racerx

    Suzuki is done

    That’s funny. A TV network thinks they have any power over a Motor company. “you have to keep giving me money, it’s in the contract”.
  8. ck1racerx

    Suzuki is done

    Suzuki is just following their market. They are huge in China, India and all other nasty ass cheap countries around the world. They are also leading the market in Japan. No need to dump ton of money in Sport bikes and motocross bikes. That is not what sells. Just business.
  9. ck1racerx

    Moto vans

  10. ck1racerx

    Dungey coming back

    First race he gets fifth. Second race he gets a third and signs for the rest of the year. As Webb and Moosecan sign up for the world SX thing. Whatever happens it is good for the sport and fantastic pub for KTM.
  11. ck1racerx

    Lucas Oil Outdoors

    Rumor is Dungey and Herlings are possible replacements / additions for KTM Damn that would be cool
  12. ck1racerx

    Operation rebuild - Loretta Lynn's

    I stopped by there Sunday morning on my way back from Dallas. Didnt look that bad. Billboard and cover behind the gate is mostly gone but that is an easy fix. Moved some soil around but could help the dirt. Mixed everything up. Im sure it flooded 5 of the 12 total hookup's
  13. ck1racerx

    Italian invasion coming !

    If he brings his wife, I may go to a race just watch her. I think him coming over is cool. Bucket list racing is awesome. More guys should do that
  14. ck1racerx

    Pulp Mx Fantasy 2022 - Let's Go

    Knew it was going to happen sooner or later…. Forgot to set my team. Oh well. It was a fun season. For once
  15. ck1racerx


    Watching that i was thinking "damn this would be perfect track for AP" Then see they are expecting rain all day tomorrow in ATL. Double kick in the nuts.
  16. ck1racerx

    MX Sports is expanding their horizons

    They own (well lease) the “AMA Pro Racing” so I can see them just taking everything over. Really nothing to stop them. Building a monopoly
  17. ck1racerx

    Calling ck1racerx

    I have given up on this topic. Same with payback for Pro's There are too many dumbass riders that just keep showing up unwilling to even acknowledge they are being take to the cleaners. You cant help someone who is not willing to help themselves. Next
  18. ck1racerx

    Pulp Mx Fantasy 2022 - Let's Go

    WTH? I am ranked #81 overall this week. I went out on a limb and it paid off big time. years past when I did that I would end up with 2 or 8 in the main. Fantasy is kinda fun when you don’t suck as usual
  19. ck1racerx

    Nothing on the Barcia / Anderson drama?

    I'm more offended by Barcia's incredibly tight fitting gear then him blocking a corner.
  20. ck1racerx

    Time for a change

    Lappers are, have been and should always be part of racing. But it would help thin the crowd if they went back to 20 in the main and not 22. Of course the Factory bikes are light years ahead of the average joe's bike. But it does feel like the difference in talent from the top to bottom is...