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  1. pimpit_r6

    Red Bull Straight Rhythm

    Thanks for the info. I have been watching it just over an hour. Stewart brothers are up against each other.
  2. pimpit_r6

    Youngstown MX open this Saturday and Sunday 9/6-7

    Pip happened to drive by my house yesterday while picking up his son from a game. He said he might be able to go on Wednesday if Ytown opens. Told him I am taking the CR next time to test it out.
  3. pimpit_r6

    Youngstown MX open this Saturday and Sunday 9/6-7

    Couldn't make it out today. Ended up watching Steelers/Browns game. Are you guys going to be open Wednesday or Thursday?
  4. pimpit_r6

    I never saw a motor grenade like this!

    My bad. Thought you were calling me an idiot for posting a video. . .carry on.
  5. pimpit_r6

    I never saw a motor grenade like this!

    Because I want to. If you don't like too bad.
  6. pimpit_r6

    Youngstown MX open Saturday,Sunday and LABOR DAY

    Track was groomed as usual. Thanks Tim! Track dried out as the day went on and I was on point. Shout out to number #23 on the KTM for giving me pointers on hitting the ruts and also a big Thanks to Ben S. ( KX250F ) from PA for letting me use his tools after the spill I had on the track and info...
  7. pimpit_r6

    I never saw a motor grenade like this!

  8. pimpit_r6

    Youngstown MX open Saturday,Sunday and LABOR DAY

    ^^^^ If you want anything from sheets ( sub, breakfast sandwhich or drink ) send me a text . I am leaving here at 9:30am....I don't know if pip is going. Haven't heard from him.
  9. pimpit_r6

    Youngstown MX open Saturday,Sunday and LABOR DAY

    Just went over the bike and cleaned my gear, I am ready for tomorrow. Looks like I will be inside today so I am cleaning house.
  10. pimpit_r6

    Youngstown MX open Saturday,Sunday and LABOR DAY

    I will be there. Probably Saturday....Monday for sure.
  11. pimpit_r6

    Youngstown MX open this weekend 8/23-24

    Track was nice today, For the first hour nobody was there except me and a KTM rider. Had track to ourselves then around 11:30 people were rolling in. Nice turn out with overcast skies. Look for me this up coming Labor day weekend.
  12. pimpit_r6

    Youngstown MX open this weekend 8/23-24

    This sucks. I am here at work and dont get out until 3pm. . .I will be there tomorrow morning to put some seat time in.
  13. pimpit_r6

    RMZ 250

    What model year? I had a 2006 and it was okay. No top end. Got poor reviews in the 2006 250f shootout.
  14. pimpit_r6

    Freeze MX

    Good question, Maybe just stop by some time and introduce yourself or maybe the next time you hear them rippin it up take a drive over there and start bs'n. Your a cool dude and from what hear chuck is too so I cant see him being rude or ignorant.
  15. pimpit_r6

    Open Ride Day - WRMC - Thursday, August 21

    ^^^^ Same here. I'm not going to miss this. Already made plans for this day.
  16. pimpit_r6

    Youngstown MX closed this weekend

    I called Tim and he will be open next weekend.
  17. pimpit_r6

    Freeze MX

    Chuck Freeze owns the property. Big into ktm's. So that might get you a ride on the track clint. Lol...I see him here and there around town and we just wave to one another. Never had the opportunity to talk with him. Some of my buddies said he also has nice trails on his property. True, His...
  18. pimpit_r6

    Open Ride Day - WRMC - Thursday, August 21

    ALRIGHT! Hope the weather cooperates.
  19. pimpit_r6

    Youngstown MX closed this weekend

    I noticed you guys weren't open all week. Hope all is well
  20. pimpit_r6

    Youngstown MX open Wednesday 7/16

    I will definitely make one of those days.