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  1. Hause#0

    Todd Krieg is on Rover!

    Congratulations Todd!
  2. Hause#0

    Beans 2/18&2/19

    BJ is the man!! Thank you!!
  3. Hause#0

    Throw us a bone this weekend!

    Please.... someone . ....anyone? BEUHLER ? BEUHLER ?
  4. Hause#0


    Thanks for all your hard work and dedication this year!!
  5. Hause#0

    This friday.....65 outside, who open???

    It was great today! Wish I could've stayed longer! Thanks BJ!
  6. Hause#0

    Beans open Friday 11/18

    Damnit! work sucks!!
  7. Hause#0

    Beans 11/12&11/13

    Great track today! had a blast! also, the kIds track is great for pitbikes!! thanks for being open BJ! your place rules!!
  8. Hause#0

    Beans 11/12&11/13

    Wow! looks sweet!
  9. Hause#0

    Let's hear about your on track MX fights! Hahaha!

    I remember being at a race (I think at Malvern/ maybe OIR?) Ol Hershey pissed off "The Mower" Johnny Young! He chased down Dave in the pits, they had words...then Johnny suckered Dave with a palm-strike to the face! Pretty rediculous!
  10. Hause#0

    Beans 10/29&10/30

    Track was incredible! Without a doubt the best track prep around! The sand and mulch make it loamy with great lines! Can't wait to come back! THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK BJ!!
  11. Hause#0

    BC 10-29 & 10-30 Last Scheduled Ride

    I can't wait to tear up that new parking area tomorrow! I heard it's sweet!
  12. Hause#0

    People ask why I keep riding, especially at my age

    I always just use the line... If you have to ask... You wouldn't understand! Broken wrist(3screws) Shattered clavicle(plate/6 screws/wire) half the bone was through my trap muscle. 3 fractured vertebrae 2 herniated discs(surgery)...
  13. Hause#0

    Apple Cabin Open Thursday 9-22. Last one for 2016

    Great track last night! Thank you and your crew for all your hard work this season! Already looking forward to next year!
  14. Hause#0

    More sad news

    Just aweful news! Prayers for his family!
  15. Hause#0

    Apple Cabin Open Thursday 9-8

    Cool. Thank you
  16. Hause#0

    Apple Cabin Open Thursday 9-8

    How many more you gonna have?
  17. Hause#0

    2 stroke, Or 4 stroke ?

    If I was RICH..... 4 stroke! I am not rich....therefore. ..2 stroke.
  18. Hause#0

    Beans Sunday 8/21

    Thanks BJ.
  19. Hause#0

    Beans Sunday 8/21

    You BJ! You opening Sunday?
  20. Hause#0

    GP anyone?

    It was a blast! I haven't been that tired in a long time!