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  1. day181

    Huffman Hills MX open Wed 8/16 4-dark

    Ron, you still coming out tonight?
  2. day181

    Malvern MX Mid Week Moto

    Anyone want to show an old dog how to ride this track tonight? Sent from my iPhone using PitRacer mobile app
  3. day181

    Huffman Hills Open Practice August 2nd 4 PM- 9 PM

    I've really enjoyed these mid-week practices this summer. The track seems to get better each week. Thanks for giving us all a place to ride.
  4. day181

    Buckeye Hills

  5. day181

    Go Fund Me

    Hershey, why are you so down on these people? These guys just need a little help: Please help Abby find herself: Bec is on a soul journey. She just needs a little help...
  6. day181

    MotoMade is changing the game!

    Welcome to PitRacer. Good looking website. Nice and clean.
  7. day181

    Huffman Hill MX open practice 7/5 4-9pm

    Looking forward to sharpening up my off-camber lack of skills.
  8. day181

    Wednesday practice

    Woo hoo!
  9. day181

    Dirt Country Open Practice 6/24

    Cancelled Sent from my iPhone using PitRacer mobile app
  10. day181

    Dirt Country Open Practice 6/24

    Dirt Country will be having open practice June 24 from 12 – 6pm. You are not required to race on Sunday to participate in practice. For more information please contact DC on FB:
  11. day181

    Open practice 6/21 5pm till dark

    Is this another new track? Looks like Google shows something there.
  12. day181

    Huffman Hill MX open practice 6/21 4-9pm

    Getting back on topic, yep we have a great new track open during the week in Central Ohio. Go practice and have fun. It's not a race track yet but it's a great practice track. Let's encourage them with our money and our words so they can grow and continue to give us a place to ride.
  13. day181

    Huffman Hill MX open practice 6/21 4-9pm

    Weasel, it's not quite RedBud after they're third practice. Heck I'm sure RB wasn't even RB after their third practice. What I saw when I went there was a great practice track near central Ohio open on a Wednesday with lots of potential. Don't take your prom date home at 8pm. Give the punch...
  14. day181

    Motoland open ride.

    The wife would kill me if I went this weekend (anniversary) but we love this place
  15. day181

    Huffman Hills Open Practice 6/7
  16. day181

    2018 Yamaha YZ 450

    A KTM guy had to borrow my jumper cables just last week but nonetheless that Yami looks sweet. I need to wait until someone buys me a white one and rides it for about 10 hours to get the price down. This is a job for Forest I think.
  17. day181

    Huffman Hills Open Practice 6/7

    I rode last Wednesday. It was only their second or so practice and they seem to have hit the ground running. It had a Scenic feel with the elevation and how it sits in a bowl and a HighPoint feel with the off-cambers. It was prepped well. The jumps are new so they need to mature and there...
  18. day181

    The Greatest Motorcycle Race on Earth

    Those helmet cams freak me out. I watched a documentary where the guy got to ride this track off-season. He stopped at some curve and pointed out the crosses where people died. Very sobering. On the other hand we're all going to die at some point. Isn't it better to go out in a blaze of...