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  1. F

    Loretta Lynn's Race updates

    Larry and Chris got down there early Thurs. morning and it was pretty full. Carl Hand was there Wed. and he said at that time spots were pretty open but late Wed. and Thurs. morning they began rolling in full force. Some of the pit vehicles are quite a sight. There is a golf cart that sits so...
  2. F

    Lottery Results (Loretta Lynn Hook Up)

    I can only tell you this. He set up his site all on his own.
  3. F

    Lottery Results (Loretta Lynn Hook Up)

    Larry and Chris are parked right across the way from Ricky. He watched them set-up. He didn't say anything about someone having to move from that spot. I'll ask when he calls and let you know if that is true. They did make someone move from up around there but for another reason and it wasn't...
  4. F

    RC 's LL Bike

    It is still too rich for my blood. Even if it were a National rider I don't know if I would go for it. Their motors are normally 2 hr. motors. Can't afford that.
  5. F

    Good Suspension and or motor work

    I am happy to see I started a thread that has brought positive thoughts and attitudes.I may not agree with it all as I have bad experiences with some but it's good to see you all support some of the local business. With Ohio economy what it is we all need the help. I don't know if the PA guy...
  6. F

    Good Suspension and or motor work

    I will certainly make a list of some of these guys. It's good to work with someone somewhat local. I don't really care to ship things out then wait for weeks to get it back. That is why we started working with Copper Smith. Andre did our stuff the last time but I understand he isn't there...
  7. F

    Good Suspension and or motor work

    Just had a thought that perhaps you guys need something new to discuss. In another thread we were discussing suspension, motor work ect and it dawned on me how hard it is to find good people out there to do the work. So anyone have anything they want to post on here in regards to good places to...
  8. F

    Another C class thread

    Good suspension is hard to come by. We have been all over and you never get what you ask for or pay for. The only guy who did it right was Andre at Copper Smith. We love him. Copper Smith is still around (akron) but Andre isn't there. His Dad Tom is back running the show again. We have been...
  9. F

    Another C class thread

    We do foot orthotics for the 49'ers and Bengels. Not Cincinnati Reds!!
  10. F

    Another C class thread

    Depends on what level you are racing at. More important is suspension. You can only go as fast as the bike will allow.
  11. F

    Another C class thread

    I see what you mean. Mod to me means a lot of motor work. The rest is trivial and suspension is a must for the saftey of the rider.
  12. F

    RC 's LL Bike

    If that is the case it could be quite pricey. Not into that.
  13. F

    RC 's LL Bike

    I didn't know you could claim bikes so I also want to know how you do it. Our bikes really look pathetic compared to that. Larry was just saying how poor our bikes look and I said " who cares what they look like as long as Chris does OK. Of course our 450 is very tired and sad but what the heck...
  14. F

    Another C class thread

    I don't pick on anybodys grammar when it comes to these posts. Some are real bad but I'm sure I mispell and make sentence structure errors also. It is easy to do when you are trying put your idea down quickly and you are furiously typing away. Religion, Politics now you're talking. My two...
  15. F

    Another C class thread

    I don't think anyone gets "signed" in any class at Loretta's. More times than not the top riders in B already have a deal going. Heck some in 85 classes have something in the works. The bike brands all like to secure a title at Loretta's before moving their rider into the pro spotlight. Many top...
  16. F

    Another C class thread

    I really think that if you haven't been on a bike for any length of time you should get and practice some and not worry so much about racing. Your basic skills are there you are just a little rusty.
  17. F

    Loretta Lynn's Landmarks/Locations

    I guess I should throw out there that we have an electric golf cart for sale. It has lift kit, big tires ,high torque motor ect. It hasn't been used for a couple of years since we got the mule so it does need batteries (6 of them). The other day I was in Sam's Club and they had golf cart...
  18. F

    Another C class thread

    It is kind of funny that you have a mod class for C. If you are such beginner why do you have to have a mod bike? Don't they still have a limit for 50 beginners? Something like 15 races and you are out? That and no points would do the trick. The only problem with all this is you can't take all...
  19. F

    Loretta Lynn's Landmarks/Locations

    You will know when you get to stage coach hill, not only is it marked but it's pretty much right up there at the top when you first come in. The store is up there also. If you don't have a pit vehichle that is legal then take some bicycles. When I say early I mean early. We leave Thurs...