PR Addict
My heart aches each time I hear of a rider that gets injured in our sport. With the recent news of Todd I can't help to think that we as a motocross community need to try and make a difference. I believe it was Chris Knox that mentioned earlier this year that we should start a bank roll of some sort to help aid in these instances. I almost posted then but remained silent. Before my son was born my wife and I lived, breathed and rode Harley's all over the country. During this time we were active in the downed bikers association out of Zanesville, Ohio. Monies that were raised from different events were kept in an account and ready to be distributed to riders in need. I just wonder if this is somthing we could do? Myself would be willing to add just an extra dollar to each race sign up knowing what it would be used for in the future. I know it's different now a days with social media and the funding programs that you can donate on line but is it enough? I dunno, just thinking out loud. One minute I'm stoked about an upcoming race weeken for myself and son then I'm saddened by news that just hurts. Through all the thick and thin we are all in this together and should take care of one another. This is my suggestion to the racing community. 1 extra dollar for race sign up in your first class that goes to a bank roll to help those in need.