Battle for Ohio 2016

2 hour drive.

I'm home at 540pm. Stopped ate chipotle too. Talk about an efficient program.

Went 3-3 in 125. 17 on the gate. 17. Yea that class is GROWING each year. Crunch those numbers will ya ?! Haven't seen Cody calkins in 15 years. And I only got to see him briefly on the track before he roasted me with his insane cornering skills. Love that 125 class. Makes me feel like supermini days all over again. Especially when you got guys showing up that you raced constantly in supermini!!!

These battle races are a gift to Ohio motocross. THANK YOU MALVERN FOR A STELLAR PROGRAM. THIS IS WHAT RACING IS ALL ABOUT!!!!
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Watched you rip up the track today georgie. Don't know any of you but the announcer made it clear who you guys were. Enjoyed the great racing today.
Great time today and great job Malvern crew! I saw some bitching on FB about flaggers and stuff like that, but oh well you can't please everybody. I thought everyone did an exceptional job.

I haven't been riding really at all, was supposed to be at the SouthEast Regional in TN this weekend but blew it off because I am just so not ready to compete and it wouldn't be any fun. I spent 3 motos today just sort of doing laps and getting seat time and then the final moto of the day I actually started feeling a little more normal and was able to somewhat compete a little. It was fun and as I get older I can certainly tell how much I slip when I haven't been riding/racing.

I really liked the layout changes. I thought it was super fun! I also really liked the change to the one downhill that loops back into the first turn --- you used to jump off that and it would always just get all gnarled up and kicked out. They just plowed that over so you now just go around the sweeper and down the hill on the gas. I thought that was a cool change and I'm sure it makes the track easier to maintain.

The one huge downer of the day for me was some Ahole parked near us completely reaming his teenage son out after a moto. F-Bombs all over the place, I was supposed to be on my way up to staging for a moto but I purposely stayed longer because I was worried Ahole was going to hit the kid. Such a shame some of these Dbags have to be like that at the races.

Program was super efficient, I was moto 4 & 7 and was done and packed up by 3pm. All the pit roads were kept watered so there was no dust whatsoever in the pits. That makes such a huge difference in the enjoyment of the day. Without my camper I had to "mingle with the common folk" and use portojohns, and they were all freshly cleaned and restocked so that was nice. Nice job Bo on the announcing!

Now that I skipped a Regional and was able to make Battle Round #1 I should be able to complete the whole series! Woohoo!

Thanks again Malvern for all the hard work.
Jason was literally running from machine to machine to water truck all weekend. Thank you for the great event it is now nicks new favorite track because he got an eighth overall. But don't read too far into it because every track we go to is his new favorite track. Haha thank you for the great battle race see you soon
That 125 class is awesome. It's great seeing 18 of us out there on 125's! Unfortunately I cased one of the step ups on the first lap and likely broke my ankle. Hoping it is not broken and I'm good to go to ride the 125 at Chili Town.
261, I had not heard about the kid getting reamed. Bummer. I would have had my buddy dhds on that dad in no time. (I would have intervened).

Couple flagger hiccups, but they were noticed and addressed.

Jason busts his ass. Not just on race day. To take care of everyone the way he does is a skill. The whole crew did an awesome job this weekend. Track was prime with the overcast too.
Battle round one was great. Watching the weather Saturday night was looking like we were gonna get some rain, but man it went all around us and hit some on the way home about 40 miles south and most the way back to SW Ohio.

I really liked the changes also. Track has always been a favorite of mine, just wish it was not so far away.

Jason and crew ran a great program today. Track was great all day long for sure. After wards he was back on the track with a dozer doing some work again.

We cleaned up bikes and got loaded up. We were some of the last ones there and still hit the road about 530 and home by 900.

Makes a huge difference having all the right equipment to prep the track for sure. Some tracks just don't have the right equipment.

Thanks to Jason and all his crew for a great weekend.

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I have to say,"Great Job Rogers family, crew and all involved," on putting on a great weekend!!!! No complaints here. Track was great as always, track changes were nice and everything ran efficiently, especially for such a large turnout. I also will say that, I watched Jason and his crew bust their butts from sun up to sun down so, thanks for all your hard work!!! I love the transponders for watching the times during the race but also for looking at each lap time, at a later date. I love the "Battle Series" and can't wait for the next one.
Good times and well run event as expected. First time on the new track, definitely a challenge for my little guy.

Random question here regarding race order. Why is it that it seems more often the mini open classes are run before the jr/sr classes. And the 65 jr/SR was right after the open A, and those guys were tough on the track. Even the 65 superstars lap times were way down in the jr class than in the open. I'm just curious what the thinking is behind this, we consider the "open" to be the superstar class, the jr class to be the beginner class for lack of a better term. Not all kids started riding PWs. My son is still learning, as well as a lot of the other jr and seniors.
Before I get flamed for beating a dead horse, I know:
1. if he wants to race - conditions are not always going to be perfect. Deal with it.
2. All the kids had to ride the same rough track. Deal with it.
3. Learn to ride a rut. It will help with days like today.
4. Maybe a big race like the battle isn't a good place to start if you don't think he is ready. But hey, got to find big gates somewhere.

Like I said we still had fun, my boy was disappointed in his finish but he didnt ride over his head and came out in one piece. That was our goal in showing up. Definitely be back.
I appreciate your question and I have always thought the opposite way about the 65 classes. To me, the Jr - Sr classes are the "Superstar" classes and 65 Open is the "extra" class for the 65's. Now with all that said, when I create a race order it contains so many factors that I dont always get to avoid those situations. For example, this week I concentrated on making sure that EVERY rider had at least 2 races in between their classes because of the heat! I will keep that in mind though going forward! Thank goodness Jason and his track crew can do what they do to make the track primo!
261, I had not heard about the kid getting reamed. Bummer. I would have had my buddy dhds on that dad in no time. (I would have intervened).

Hey Jerad. I didn't even know you were there until late in the day. Just not used to seeing you on a KTM.

The "pit incident" seemed to calm down after the initial issue. If it had continued longer or gotten worse I would have let people know.

Thanks again to Malvern and crew. I'm still thinking about how much fun I had (even though I was horribly slow, but I'll get back into the groove).
261, I had not heard about the kid getting reamed. Bummer. I would have had my buddy dhds on that dad in no time. (I would have intervened).

Lol....No one seems to complain when I step in on parents yelling at their kids making them cry. I guess that is immune from being called an "expert". Any way, I found out about this and actually know the perp, its not his style. Im sure it was a one time incident and it wont be seen again, especially since he got called out. Lots of stress in there life right now.


I said this before but its worth repeating.....since the track changes I have ridden Malvern 3 times now. I had a BLAST. I havent said that about Malvern in over a decade. The new layout slowed the track down in a few areas and made it a track where you are now racing other racers more than the 4th gear tapped track. Its more technical and has much better passing options. The new triple that I got completely decimated on here about got the exact changes I was hoping for and now is far safer without making it easier. The added sand in the soil makes for fantastic traction and multiple lines in most every corner.

On top of all that, like Pit261 said, the crew is relentless about giving us a great experience. From dust free pits to perfectly prepped track conditions ..... perfect weekend even in the 90 deg + heat. I couldnt believe how well the track held moisture all weekend. It got rutted, rough and fun. The program went extremely smooth and fast with plenty of track time. Sign up has been upgraded to the kiosk with your AMA card which is so fast and easy. And the addition of Escore with transponder scoring is great. Its awesome to see your lap times for comparisons and training, it helped me show Austin how well he was doing against the bigger, older kids in the 50 class giving him confidence for his last moto.

I had bad starts all day with great battles working forward. I really had so much fun this weekend watching my son keep growing as a rider/racer and do well to feeling really good about my riding by the end of the day with all the great racing I had. Met a few new Pitracer users and hung out with a group of great old friends as well. Its wonderful seeing Ohio MX growing in the Battle series, keep up the great work and thank you for doing your best!

One last thing.......By far Malvern MX did the absolute best thing I have EVER seen with pit riding......There some issues with it saturday so later that day THEY BANNED PIT BIKES FOR THE REST OF THE DAY

Congratulations on being the first track Ive been to that grew some balls on that topic.
Could not agree more. Had a ton of fun watching Matthew ride great on the track. Amazing how good he is looking on the 125 already. not regretting my decision to skip mini Sr at all.

Only disappointment I have is the lack of riders from SW Ohio. I talk these three races up to everyone here in SW Ohio. Tell them they are must not miss races. These guys will drive over 2 to 2.5 hours to TCMX, COCR, soggy bottom, etc. but will not come north to the best races in the state of Ohio by far. I don't get it. I think I was the only 40 plus from SW Ohio. And we can go to DC or DMC and have 20 plus vets. Makes no sense to me.

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