Recent content by Remmy11

  1. Remmy11

    New People's Champions Steinke and Gragg ?

    Anyone think Stank Dog has the balls to huck the leap on the ol 125? Last year I think MAYBE 3-4 dudes hit it all day on 250f's so probably not if they don't change it a little bit but if he does that place will be going crazy. Ah brings back some real JS7 memories..
  2. Remmy11

    New People's Champions Steinke and Gragg ?

    Thought I would see if anyone else is having a blast watching these dudes shred on the 2 strokes? Gared Steinke has qualified back to back weekends on a legit 125 and at one point in that first moto at Budds Creek was running 21st! that is awesome! Also I don't know how no one is giving Cody...
  3. Remmy11

    Beer Bong Motos at High Point

    if your pulling in and head stay right when it opens up we are like in the middle of the back right corner.. pop up camper pulled by a new grey ram 1500 and a bunch of others in tents haha we always have a American flag or two waving and the bong motos will be up all weekend too
  4. Remmy11

    Beer Bong Motos at High Point

    haha Cheers!
  5. Remmy11

    Beer Bong Motos at High Point

    What's up everyone, I know most of you will be racing but if your having fun like our group just a invite to come find us on top of the hill at High Point this weekend and have a beer or two maybe even do a Bong Moto! Pick you brand of bike and lets see what you got!
  6. Remmy11

    Favorite local rider.....

    Broc sellards,David Hill, Mighty Mike, Vince Karnow, AJ Hattery, and mah boy Dan Clair Harbaugh
  7. Remmy11

    Of all the people for this crazyness to happen to and it's Cade....

    I was reading about this article this morning and just couldn't even believe it. Cade has posted a response about it on his face book page... Check it out and what do yall think?? NOTICE OF OFFENSE AND PENALTY Date of Notice: May 27, 2015 Date of Offense: May 23, 2015 Event: Glen Helen...
  8. Remmy11

    Where to find Race Gas in NE Ohio?!

    Jawzy's Powersports always has a stock of Renegade Fuel. We are in Brunswick right off 71. 330-273-6161 P98 SX4 SX2
  9. Remmy11

    Beans 5/9/15 Pictures

    Thanks for the pictures track was fun Sat and Sun
  10. Remmy11

    Apple Cabin Cancelled Thursday 4-30

    they have a awesome mini track as well that is great practice for 50 riders!