Recent content by ktrop251

  1. ktrop251

    Wrist and shoulder support braces review

    Both of my shoulders are in rough shape. I wear the EVS should brace that has left and right. They fit tight around your biceps so arm pump can happen but they seem to do the trick. Fairly cheap insurance to help avoid dislocations.
  2. ktrop251

    WSX round 1

    Mxsports doesn’t care. They’ve got guys like Masterpool who are talented privateers running in the top 5. That will not only drive people to watch and go to the races, but it gives every other privateer hope. I feel like those are the guys who aren’t getting huge contracts so the little bit that...
  3. ktrop251


    It’s like people moving out to the country and complaining about farmers and the smell of cow s**t. Bummer to hear about Youngstown. That place was always a blast.
  4. ktrop251

    Bringing back a old track?

    country hills Layout was fun and the owners were good people. Indian mound Some of the best sand in ohio. Safe, fun, good layout. The dude that ran the joint used to stop at everyone’s trucks and ask if they wanted him to water or rip the place up beachwood What wasn’t fun about it? Big jumps...
  5. ktrop251

    New indoor series here in Ohio

    That’s awesome. I’m not a big indoor guy anymore but I used to love going down near Columbus and racing the AMS series back in the early 2000s. Pretty cool they’re making a series out of it
  6. ktrop251

    rocky mountain can suck it

    @TwentyThreeMX I ordered some badass looking Footpegs directly from flo Motorsports. Went to bolt them on and they didn’t fit at all. I called them, they told me they’re right. Sent them pictures of the OEM pegs next to theirs and they clearly weren’t even close. Still said nope they’re right...
  7. ktrop251

    Back to the 2 stroke!!!

    Highly recommend smooth speed for wheels! Cory laces up these on my 06 250 and another set on my 05 125.
  8. ktrop251

    Nothing on the Barcia / Anderson drama?

    I thought I’d try a set of tight gear. Not for me. The spandex stuff feels so awkward. Plus I’m not exactly a big guy so I’m on the other end of the spectrum. On my 250 I look like I’m a 12 year old who just hit puberty and the skin right gear didn’t help matters
  9. ktrop251

    Rigs. Small trucks, towing, vans. etc

    I got a new truck last year because incentives were good and they offered me more than what I paid for my trade. I paid less for a new one than I would for a used one. Crazy. That being said, growing up I hauled a 6×12 v nose enclosed trailer, single axle with 2 bikes a toolbox and a bunch of...
  10. ktrop251

    22 YZ125

    I just got my 2005 all finished up with some blue rims and now they drop this 22 with a cool motor. Seriously considering a freshie with the motor updates and the sss forks wouldn't hurt either..
  11. ktrop251

    Langston is done announcing

    Highly doubt any of these riders would put a title or contract on the line over an announcer.
  12. ktrop251

    Need Graphics Help

    Try out vert mx. See if those guys can give you a hand.
  13. ktrop251

    MX'ers in MTB'ing

    I'm in too! I live in barberton now but I'm about 30 minutes from the trails in medina and if you guys are trying to ride east rim or Hampton I'm down for that too. I work second shift so I try to ride a day or two before work during during week but weekends are typically good for anytime!
  14. ktrop251

    Rutledge Wood blows

    DVs face was hilarious. I'm not sure if it was the French accent but it had me laughing. I get the point he was making and I get the point Rutledge was making. There's a happy medium somewhere. The sport needs sponsors and mainstream is where the dollars are but it is a core sport. Unfortunately...
  15. ktrop251

    OMA Potential Class Changes

    So there will be a payout for B class that is in a visa card? That's kind of cool. Seems more enticing. It almost makes me want to get behind a gate again. Back in my, day we raced for a particle board with a sticker on it that said "winner". My how things have changed.