You missed the point... There was no one at the gate off Ross road taking tickets or money to get in.. You could just drive right in Saturday or Sunday!
I just filled out the AMA survey and said the exact same things...I'm all about having fun but there needs to be some type of security to protect the ones who are not there to party all night. The 2:00am "Burn Out Board" was out of control and should have been stopped. The small unattended kids...
Hey Nick, The ride was good, weather was hot & humid! Had bike issues Saturday but finished. Dead last in class on day 1. Charlie helped me with the bike (long story) got it running much better! Day 2 I beat all my times and ended up 2nd in class on a Gold. Highlight of the event was I beat...
As long as the light at the end of the tunnel is not a train coming at me! Both organizations will never work together again... It would be a wonderful thing if they would but I personally don't think it will happen in my life time... so we are forced to make choices. I am actually going to ride...
Just wanted to say "Thank you Kevin" for letting me put my stuff in your space to sell. I never expected it to sell that fast! I owe you big time! You and the gang are a great group of guys to hang out with... Next year we need to get Newberry in on the "Barrel Races"
For all those who attended Vintage Days what a blast it was! The weather did not slow Trevor Kline down on his 1974 400 Husky in the mud on Friday! His closest competition was Multi-time ISDE Veteran Jeff Fredette. Trevor made it look easy but we all know it wasn't.
In the vintage MX on...
Just got the news that the starting gate is in but in a completely different location! Its in the far end behind the quanza building... Different staging area as well but will exit the track in the same location as years past! Light rain as I type so the water truck is still parked... for now!
For those who care I for one am excited about riding this weekend regardless of the weather or conditions but I am still not thrilled to have to rush through the trials event so I can make my 3rd moto. This all stems around the Vintage Grand National Championship.
I know it's to late to turn...
It's almost time to pull that last minute race prep for VMD so hopefully all the suggestions, ideas, criticism have been accounted for and a plan is in place for VMD 2015.
May the 75-80 degree sun goddess with big puffy clouds praise us with her beauty all weekend!
Nothing wrong with voicing your opinion. I'm glad you did. Trust me I have been looking for answers on how it's all going work and not just on this site. The format is awesome so if it works it will be great if it doesn't oh well at least the AMA tried.. I think with Alex monitoring this site...
It is a done deal I suspect... I just wish someone from the AMA would answer my questions? You know that I will have my young gun on the bikes again and going for the Championship so it would be nice to know in advance on how this is all is going to play out. The AMA should have this already in...