Recent content by Boner63

  1. Boner63

    Battle live timing link??

    JS7 is my idol!
  2. Boner63

    Battle live timing link??

    A lot of typing there lil buddy. Do you feel better sweetheart?
  3. Boner63

    Battle live timing link??

    I'll ride what class I feel fit too you faggot ass bitch :)
  4. Boner63

    Battle live timing link??

    Can I fight in any weight class? LOL... And yes bring your rule books and $50 to protest gentlemen :) while your at it do the claiming rule for my bike as well cause it's Tomac's
  5. Boner63

    Battle live timing link??

    If your 50 then go right ahead. Or you can race 30 too if you'd like.
  6. Boner63

    Battle live timing link??

    Sounds good!
  7. Boner63

    Battle live timing link??

    When I get a support ride I'll move up lol
  8. Boner63

    Battle live timing link??

    Crazy you guys TALK BIG on internet, but scared to say who you are hahaha.
  9. Boner63

    Battle live timing link??

    I thought I could stay in class and defend my title like Davalos has done for years hahahaha
  10. Boner63

    Battle live timing link??

    What's all your real names?
  11. Boner63

    Battle live timing link??

    Claim my bike too! Cause it's illegal I have a super modded motor and extra stuff ;)
  12. Boner63

    Battle live timing link??

    Get your $50 ready to protest sweetheart. I'm sure you'll see me soon :)
  13. Boner63

    Battle live timing link??

    Helllll yeaaaaa doooooo it pussy :*
  14. Boner63

    Battle live timing link??

    Ev Everyone can have an opinion but I'm going to do whatever I want to do point blank period :)
  15. Boner63

    Battle live timing link??

    Corona or Bud Light.