Recent content by Holeshotking31F

  1. Holeshotking31F

    GP Series coming back for 2022.....

    You will absolutely love the grass track sections. The Enduro sections might be another story! I did it a couple years ago, super fun and super intense racing.
  2. Holeshotking31F

    Moto Haulers

    Moto-van is what I have used for years now. This one is for sale!
  3. Holeshotking31F

    Old D-12 Results Still Online

    I think that's me going through that gnarly left hander at Beans on the RM with red plates? Thanks for the trip down memory lane John! Almost gets my juices flowing again!
  4. Holeshotking31F

    MotoGP soap opera

    Dude I'm soooooo jealous!!!!!!
  5. Holeshotking31F

    Road biking

    Yup, started it a couple years back and totally hooked now. Strava will make you dope! Start riding some hills and come down and ride with me and Semics!
  6. Holeshotking31F

