Recent content by Captain Jack

  1. Captain Jack

    CRA? all the CRA infomation is on there site +a lot of extras
  2. Captain Jack

    Skyview Raceway Sunday May 22nd Moto-x

    Well my wife and I stayed in room 321. Google Hotel Conneaut an update will find all the spooky details . Need I say more. rrr
  3. Captain Jack

    Skyview Raceway Sunday May 22nd Moto-x

    Me an the mates will be their looks like an awesome weekend for a mx . Haven't done to many MX races be nice to try somethin different . I see this is old school type of track . That's me all over . How long is the track and can we pup a tent sees we moteled last weekend at Pyma in the spooky...
  4. Captain Jack

    Anyone make it up to Delta's AHRMA regional race this weekend?

    If I looked at tracksideresults right wrmc had 31 quads / 92 bikes = 123 combined . BUT maybe I missed some ?
  5. Captain Jack

    Smith Road Raceway...

    If you go to track guide it's on the 3 little lines on right side of top the page it has all the information address phone. Larry might need them.
  6. Captain Jack

    OLD SCHOOL... 1981/82 CRA Banquet

    The Captain was their so was Guy Bartolotti,Larry Ethridge, Tom Etchtruch , Dave Capretta, Dave Sferra , Gare Thomas, Kevin Carney , Dave Blauman , Jim Colbrun , Jim Marrucci , Greg Hartley , Greg Vanderpool, Bob Harrington , and a hole lot of Happy CRA members . And special Thanks to Paul...
  7. Captain Jack

    Pymatuning 1st harescramble in 5years what did you like, and what do we need to improve on ?

    What an experience everything from the $39 dollar motel rooms to the 11:00 AM mud fest I had a DAGUM BLAST . My mates wished they would have brought the boat stead of their bikes . The only suggestion I have is run your mini quads / pee week bikes then mini bikes / Big Bikes / Big Quads .It...
  8. Captain Jack

    Western Reserve Shoot Out May 14-15

    Why is it that Jason and Zack go to these new tracks that are in OMA and have to help them prep their tracks to turn around and cancel.
  9. Captain Jack

    Pymatuning harescramble this Sunday may 15 with 5 star KTM set up with new bikes and their techs pre

    Been waiting to come back to Pyma fur some Harescramblen. Sounds like you invested serious money in an awesome scoreing system . Are you scoreing the event yourself? Can't wait to see the live updates of the TV. And I think me an my mates are going to take you up on the overnight stay an bfast...
  10. Captain Jack

    Malvern's Area Qualifier

    Thanks fur ya reply thir porgie guess I have to dig perty deep into the chest ifin I care to participate in one of thees events. Thankyens again GP rrr
  11. Captain Jack

    Malvern's Area Qualifier

    So what is the price of an ama card know of day's. Ben out for a spell need to do some catching up on things. rrr
  12. Captain Jack

    Loss of a friend today

    Sad to hear. Not knowing Tyler sounds like a nice person. Hearts an prayers to the family.
  13. Captain Jack

    Cra HairScramble class info??

    Na I got it right can't shift with PEG. rrrr
  14. Captain Jack

    Cra HairScramble class info??

    Not poking fun just don't got to good of land legs quit yet rrrr!
  15. Captain Jack

    Cra HairScramble class info??

    The reason it is called the woodsman class it is intended for a beginner rider.But it seams some of the rider's choose to stay in the class for two many years.Why they start in the last row I think is the best choice for a beginner to start. As for the 35 year old there is a Senior 1 class 30 to...