Recent content by Justin.S_57

  1. Justin.S_57

    Smith Road: Sunday 9/30, 12-5, bikes only

    Can we get some pictures of the C track? How much different is it than the main track?
  2. Justin.S_57

    Rescheduled: Smith Road 9/26, 4-dark, bikes only

    Cool! I like the sound of it
  3. Justin.S_57

    Rescheduled: Smith Road 9/26, 4-dark, bikes only

    This is good new! Now got another place to ride the rest of the season. I'll be out there next week if your gonna be open?
  4. Justin.S_57

    I race/practice at Smith Rd Raceway,Amherst...

    I race/practice at Smith Rd Raceway,Amherst Meadowlarks,AppleCabinMX,YoungstownMX,MalvernMX,TVLandMX, and RamJamMX(during wintrer)
  5. Justin.S_57

    You can find me racing/riding at Smith Rd Raceway,Amherst...

    You can find me racing/riding at Smith Rd Raceway,Amherst Meadowlarks,AppleCabinMX,YoungstownMX,MalvernMX,TVLandMX,RamJamMX(during winter)
  6. Justin.S_57

    Smith Roads Annual Memorial Day Race

    About how much time is left until the pipeline will be done? With no hurry at all just normal work days