Recent content by Fast50s Crew

  1. F

    Sucker For Nostalgia

    That's sweet!!
  2. F

    Sucker For Nostalgia

    Would love to figure how to get a color (no pun intended) print of this poster.. I have a bunch of racing stuff to hang after our recent move but that would just be a funny thing to ad to the collection in the shop I think...
  3. F

    Swingarm repair

    If you can get it to any local welding guy that's a super easy repair and can be cleaned up and then covered with the buffer (rubber part) If you can get it to me I could fix it for you but you could find a local guy and that would be cheaper for you with no shipping to and from...
  4. F

    Sucker For Nostalgia

    AMAZING... I lived to watch the Dukes of Hazzard a sa kid and always loved bike.. I sorta remember parts of that... Again awesome!!
  5. F

    Sucker For Nostalgia

    Holy heck I love the old lame acting.. Eerrrr I mean what great acting... Haha but in all seriousness that is awesome.
  6. F

    Sucker For Nostalgia

    That's stuntman Gary Davis who btw just moved to Texas about 1 year ago... Know him well and know his riding style.
  7. F

    Swingarm repair

    If you can send a picture I can see what to do for you...
  8. F

    Swingarm repair

    What material is it made out of? You can weld and clean them up pretty well usually. Did it wear through the chain pad and into the bearing area? What kind of Swingarm is it anyway? -Fast50s
  9. F

    Real sad news

    Terrible news.. A guy who could control chaos famously. RIP Mr. Block.
  10. F

    Fast50s Moved to Tennesse

    We specialize in 4-Stroke minibikes but we do for the most part anything on two wheels and have some customers that have us get them big bike parts and to have us work on all there bikes. Not trying to advertise just help people if they need some help but our website is ( I...
  11. F

    Fast50s Moved to Tennesse

    Happy New Year to everyone on PitRacer!!! Never actually been on here but have peeked a few times, wanted to make a profile to see if we could help anybody with their 4-stroke minibike needs. We are setting our new shop up for full production for our parts and should be at 100% soon. We also...