Recent content by MarctheSharc

  1. MarctheSharc

    Bucket list

    Big Air is a great track in Newaygo - If you get the chance - check it out.
  2. MarctheSharc

    2025 Loretta Lynn's

    Good Luck - keep us updated
  3. MarctheSharc

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    Good luck !! Tear it up !
  4. MarctheSharc

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    Too funny !!! Meet a pit person in person ......
  5. MarctheSharc

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    Coming up from behind - got it !
  6. MarctheSharc

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    Question ? Why the fender extension on ice bikes.
  7. MarctheSharc

    A ny one seen a deal on a new 125?

    Give a Report back on it - I've liked Bridgestones in the past - that one looks like it's made for an intention Enjoy FLA !!
  8. MarctheSharc

    A ny one seen a deal on a new 125?

    Bros looks sic ! A 125 with a scoop - that I want to try !!
  9. MarctheSharc

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    Moto 40 November 2021
  10. MarctheSharc

    A ny one seen a deal on a new 125?

    That 79 !! The vans - !!! The 70's were so organic ..
  11. MarctheSharc

    A ny one seen a deal on a new 125?

    Keep em coming - this is Great !!
  12. MarctheSharc

    A ny one seen a deal on a new 125?

    Good stuff ! Funny how you'll always find your BEST aggression pics --- when you're on a one two five.
  13. MarctheSharc

    A ny one seen a deal on a new 125?

    Is 954 a 79 ? The other one ?? - mid eighties?
  14. MarctheSharc

    A ny one seen a deal on a new 125?

    Soo much fun
  15. MarctheSharc

    A ny one seen a deal on a new 125?

    This is Briarcliff