Recent content by Scoob

  1. Scoob

    2024 Mini O’s

    Hey, noticed Hershey didn't start 2nd SX moto of Masters 55+. Everything alright?
  2. Scoob


    100%. And although cool to some, the smell of gas with my eggs might not go well...
  3. Scoob


    You got me looking for fun These Nomad campers look tough. Not cheap though...
  4. Scoob


    Definitely worth it to me. Just nice waking up in the morning at the track vs. having to come in early in the morn. Also for multi day events, can't be beat without having to pack up, haul out, worry about bikes at hotel, and hauling back in and finding another spot in the next morn. Your next...
  5. Scoob

    Briarcliff 4-1

    UTVs, Monster Trucks, and small bore Subaru's classes during sessions?
  6. Scoob

    Pax trax money race

    Wow...somebody's gonna get fired...or at least laid off...
  7. Scoob

    Worst rule change ever for amateur racing

    cau·tion /ˈkôSH(ə)n,ˈkäSH(ə)n/ noun 1. care taken to avoid danger or mistakes. "anyone receiving a suspect package should exercise extreme caution" verb say something as a warning. "the secretary cautioned that economic uncertainties remained" Used in a sentence at Daytona SX: "I...
  8. Scoob

    Indy sx

    Too cool for Bryce! Kid has some good speed. I'm sure a little quicker now. Was in Spencer's classes when we rode PW and Jr. His mom and dad are way cool. They lived in FL in the winter last I knew. Did you mean his older bro was 10 years old? I though Bryce had a bro on 65's? Go get 'em Bryce!
  9. Scoob

    VIVA Schedule

    Not every... there was a few open Only series I am looking to see is the Saturday Night Series if there is one...
  10. Scoob

    VIVA Schedule

    My "guess" would be yes, but purely a guess. ???
  11. Scoob

    Detroit SX questions…

    You're going to miss practice and timed qualifying. Race is at 3pm.
  12. Scoob

    2024 Ohio Moto

    2024 OMA schedule out. A lot of cross over tracks between them and Race Ohio, a small Friday Night Series, and no double booked dates... There you go...
  13. Scoob

    Summit Indoor Mx 1/18 - 1/20

    Yeah, I heard Tomac complaining about the same thing...
  14. Scoob

    2024 Ohio Moto

    So next year is your comeback year! ;)
  15. Scoob

    2024 Ohio Moto

    Yes, me waiting on that as well. So I can put it all in my calendar, get pumped about it, and have baseball season rip it all from