Recent content by MX099

  1. MX099

    Trick Tool Box

    Yes, purchased different size retractable knives. You will also benefit from fine line sharpies.
  2. MX099

    Trick Tool Box

    The Harbor Freight foam is precut in small squares it’s not good for tools. The case is priced great but once you purchase a dense layered foam you didn’t save much money.
  3. MX099

    Trick Tool Box

    She purchased Kaizen Inserts and cut them by hand. It was a slow process but the finished product is awesome.
  4. MX099

    Trick Tool Box

    My wife made me one for my bicycle tools a few years ago. Check out toolbox wars on instagram.
  5. MX099

    SOLD 2023 Cobra CX5E $4500

    2023 Cobra CX5E. All updates done August 2024. Comes with 2 new 48v batteries that were replaced or bought in August, new throttle, new RDU, new hall board in last week of September of 2024. Spare chain and sprockets. It will also come with a full and half jug of motor fluid / cobra coolant...
  6. MX099

    Winner winner

    I’ve tried quite a few different watches to track my cycling activities. I have settled for the Garmin Enduro. I also use a cycle computer which is the Garmin 840. Those are a great combo and will cover all your activities.
  7. MX099

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    The place is awesome but so far the turnout is terrible. The promotors are doing everything to attract racers. Not too many classes, the program moves smoothly, the lighting isn’t bad, and the dirt is great.
  8. MX099

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    If you live within of few hours of Tri City there is no reason to miss this. This track can’t do much more for the racers.
  9. MX099

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

  10. MX099

    Tri-City Raceway Park

    I do too. And because of it you get more laps. And as l’m sure you can imagine all the mini parents complaining that they need more mini classes.
  11. MX099

    Tri-City Raceway Park

    For those of you who are familiar with Sprint Car and dirt track racing I’m sure you have heard of Tri-City. It is a 1/2 mile dirt track located in Western Pennsylvania outside of Franklin. This year it was purchased by new owners and they decided to build a MX track in the infield. The track is...
  12. MX099

    Stark Varg

    Correct The Cobra is a much better e50 than the KTM. The batteries are liquid cooled so they don’t overheat.
  13. MX099

    Stark Varg

    Under 60 minutes and that’s in mud. Also she rides MX and for all the more track time you get at locals batteries aren’t an issue. The quick charger will fully charge in 45 minutes if we need it.
  14. MX099

    Stark Varg

    My granddaughter is racing her Cobra e50 against 2 stroke 50’s in the woods. The last two races were mudders and she put it on the podium. In my opinion it’s a perfect bike for a kid.
  15. MX099

    Trash can build.