Recent content by VLK943

  1. V

    VMD Three Moto Format for Motocross

    After looking at the tentative schedule I am planning on installing lights on my Husky as I'm sure we will be finishing up Sundays race program in the dark. 15 minutes a day to maintain track?? Going to go and check on refund policy, I see a real cluster starting to form. Still waiting to...
  2. V

    VMD Three Moto Format for Motocross

    Ok you have a starting gate. Now answer the question are you going to have a track built or will we race in the parking lot again???
  3. V

    VMD Three Moto Format for Motocross

    Going to be a long weekend trackside. Hope the weather is good. Thinking about just racing Saturday and just leaving. A few others have told me the same. Many have to get home for work on Monday and if it runs late into Sunday as I'm sure it will that will make it difficult. If I remember the...
  4. V

    AMA Vintage Race at ACTION sports cancelled.

    Drew Every year I park and camp right behind the starting gate at Mid Ohio ,With your help I would be glad to fly banners and flags promoting your race. My Friends and I always enjoy racing your track and we are very much looking forward to riding there again. I will round up all the guys from...
  5. V


    Another way to get people to stay the whole weekend. All about the $$$$$
  6. V


    Does anyone know what AMA BIG ANNOUNCMENT about vintage racing series is going to be?? Face book page said one is coming!
  7. V

    How bout some Delta feedback?

    It was great. Will go back again.
  8. V

    Penton movie in Willoughby August 13

    One day left to go on line and get tickets for Penton movie in Willoughby. Looks like if not enough tickets sold there will not be a showing. Got link from Penton owners group forum. Penton talk second page.
  9. V

    AMA vintage champion????

    Right off AMA web site.
  10. V

    AMA vintage champion????

    Trevor was the overall HS winner. He won the 250A 1-1 He won the Open A 1-1 and started in 2nd row and passed all the EVO1 A class riders. He finished the trials even with bike troubles in the beginning , he finished all (4) loops.. No DNF! Supplemental rules issued by AMA for vintage grand...
  11. V

    AMA vintage champion????

    So how is it you don't even finish the Harescramble and you still win the Grand championship?? Come on AMA !!!! Oh ya that's like winning the bike show at the banquet and not even having your bike there!!!!!!
  12. V

    First round AMA vintage CC

    The coarse was very muddy. They said they got about three inches of rain a few days prior. Deep ruts , up hills with lots of roots. Some guys gave up early. Was exhausted after an hour! My son took first in 200cc I took third in 50 plus after starting from the back once I could see straight again.
  13. V

    First round AMA vintage CC

    Had great time at CC even though it was muddy. Just wanted to thank the guy who took me and several others out at start prior to entering into the woods of the post vintage race. I guess you had no brakes, your throttle stuck or you had some type of seizure. Thanks again it always feels good to...
  14. V

    Mid Ohio Non Current Vid 2013

    If I remember right two other guys tried to occupy the same piece of ground I was in. In other words they got in my way, causing me to t-bone one and skip off the other one. I think they had been running first and second at the time. It wasn't my day what can I say?