Recent content by Romanyak256

  1. Romanyak256

    Too many options too many series

    Merp/gncc/ buckeye series/ US hard enduro
  2. Romanyak256

    Kawi 2 stroke

    Lmao have literally had my bike out in negative temps and it fires every time, haven’t even needed the choke, meanwhile my buddy with a new yz250f can’t get his bike started out in the cold, we had to blow a heater on it for 40 minutes before it cranked over.
  3. Romanyak256

    A ny one seen a deal on a new 125?

    Just curious, i was planning on running my cr500af at vintage days this coming year. It’s a 95 motor in a 2008 450r chassis. What class would i even run that in.
  4. Romanyak256

    A ny one seen a deal on a new 125?

    AES will be your best choice for a ktm. But honestly i would choose the gasgas over the ktm, just to save a few bucks.
  5. Romanyak256

    2025 Loretta Lynn's

    Making a return to moto racing in 2025 and going for 30+. Hoping that riding the woods the past 3 years will help me on the moto track. Fitness is there from doing 2 hour motos, just hope the speed is there and the fear of jumping is gone.
  6. Romanyak256

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    Thanksgiving weekend, on Saturday my brother and myself and some friends are heading down to Perry for one last ride, before they close for the year. I know most of you are moto riders, but Perry is fun and has A LOT of area to ride. If any of yall would like to join us, let me know.
  7. Romanyak256

    Fmf factory fatty question

    I only did the Honda hills and muskingum rounds. Raced sportsman and warrior classes. At muskingum i went 1st in both classes, and at Honda hills i got 2nd in sportsman and 1st in warrior. I was paid $150 for 1st and $100 for 2nd place.
  8. Romanyak256

    Bucket list

    I guess for me my bucket list would be able to do the whole GNCC series. I would love to get a championship in 30+B, or sportman B class. I would also like to hit up spring creek or oak ridge in Iowa, those 2 tracks look amazing.
  9. Romanyak256

    Fmf factory fatty question

    I cashed in my KTM contingency i got from racing the MERP series on a fmf factory fatty and titan 2.1 Ti silencer. This is my first time having a “factory” pipe on my bike. I’ve read to clean with a Brillo pad and put WD40 on it after every wash to keep it looking good. My question is, has...
  10. Romanyak256

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    Went down south to Athens this past weekend and did a JXC enduro. My first enduro, 2 hours on a 8 mile course. Lots of elevation, some single track and a nice grass track and 3 creek crossings. I ran 30+vet class, grabbed the holeshot and ran up front most of the race until i high sided in the...
  11. Romanyak256

    Championship Powersports

    My parents bought my son a kids quad last year for Christmas. He said he needed to have a quad, and me being a moto guy, wouldn’t buy him one, she he conned his “Gi” into getting him one. He’s rode it 3 times lol
  12. Romanyak256

    High Point Day in the Dirt!

    I wanted to go, but we’re going to cedar point for the weekend.
  13. Romanyak256


    How so? On gncc they make sure every rider has their front tire on the chalk line, and everyone has the same opportunity to start their bike as soon as the flag waves. If you jump before hand you get DQ’d. Only way it’s not fair is if you have a Suzuki lol
  14. Romanyak256


    I’m glad we don’t have to worry about grates in gncc. Yesterday we started in 8” of mud. I love the dead engine starts, it’s the great equalizer, the flag moves a smidge you start and go. Managed to grab the holeshot yesterday at the penton and led most of my race until a stuck lapper tipped...
  15. Romanyak256

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    I agree with you, unfortunately ron505 is their only voice outside of Facebook it seems like.