W.T.M. - Weekly updates

There was a Meister sighting at the Indoors on Friday! You never know where he might pop up at. Not riding but spectating!
Fumes from those 2 smokers known to cause hallucinations there Todd! Lol

You did good! I got to witness those work boots put in a sprint to unlock a couple 50cc kids in the first turn. Don't see many announcers going for it like that to help the little ones! Good on ya. I woulda rode on the sneak peak day but i wasnt in the mood to get t boned by a whiskey throttled bike or something. Its a luck (or unluck) thing lol. Leave for daytoner on Wednesday.

Load one of your fire breathers up n come to 62. Im sure that's exactly what you wanna do after a weekend like you had lol.

6'8" 143 pounder with a snow plow foot.... Lol
Thinking about Daniel ridge and 421 this weekend if one of them is open on Sunday.
Following weekend is indy
22nd club mx is having an open ride day, then probably 421 on the way home.

Any one heard about silver valley opening back up or i40 mx?
Saturday was our first time at Summit. My kid raced his pitbike. We had a blast. Things ran smoothly, good job to those running it.
Had a great time at 62. Pretty friendly track compared to some other versions ive ridden there. Nothing do or die.
In the event you might slide into the back of someone/someone's leg
I last raced there on a blue Yamaha in 1978, an IT. Still have a couple of boxes of Kold Kutters somewhere, I think. That ice fender is fancy. Looks like there's one on the back too? Things weren't so safe back in the day.