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  1. RocketRobin

    Og Roll call......Where are you now?

    Rocket Robin - Original Pitracer Posse Member when it was a Fantasy MX site Favorite Current track - Red Bud Favorite Old Ohio Track - Scenic Highlands Favorite Current Ohio Track - Smith Road because I ride there the most Married - 3 kids - 2 of which are grown and on their own, 1 to go Ride...
  2. RocketRobin

    MX'ers in MTB'ing

    Sharc, do all the work, and let us know!!! I want to try these things out too!
  3. RocketRobin

    EROC Golf Course GP - bumped to this weekend. 09/20

    Different types of riding / racing can be lots of fun depending mostly on your mentality of what you enjoy. Die hard MX racers say they have to have a race in order to have fun, and even though 99% of my racing experience over the years is MX, I have had tons of fun riding other types of...
  4. RocketRobin

    Rocket Robin

    Well, we used the doctor's screw up there on the bad diagnosis of my injury and the doctor's actions here to back us up with the surgery and his results to get the Nashville Hospital system to charge us $0 now for my time there for fear of a malpractice suit, which they clearly would have lost...
  5. RocketRobin

    Rocket Robin

    Georgie, My nurse from hell never even talked to me about anything and was assigned to me as I was on her floor for the day. She took the time to see that I had narcotics in my bloodstream at the time of check in a day before I had her, and that was it, I was a drug seeker just there for...
  6. RocketRobin

    Rocket Robin

    All in all, I spent 3 weeks and 2 days in hospitals straight, a total of 8.5 weeks in a wheelchair, and just got cleared from that 1 week ago. I just started physical therapy, and have limited things I'm allowed to do now, but am supposed to be back to normal by December 12, 4 months from the...
  7. RocketRobin

    Rocket Robin

    Hey guys, sorry I missed all of this on here when it was going on, but now I can give you the whole scoop from start to finish. First - I really was riding Loretta's wounded already, just 3.5 weeks out of knee surgery from my Pleasure Valley Regional crash in the final Moto. I was hoping for...
  8. RocketRobin


    Looks like they may be pushing the CRF-E bike that they debuted a year or so ago then. Electric bikes are coming whether we want them or not, surprised that no one bought ALTA and tried to keep it going as the bike was very good already and on par with the bikes in the market from a start up...
  9. RocketRobin

    Helmets, now accepting your 2 cents.

    You need to ask your son how it feels to him on his head and push the helmet from each side, front and back, and see if it gets "loose" anywhere while doing that. I say a good thing is when it's brand new that it feels snug on the head, because the padding certainly does give a little bit...
  10. RocketRobin

    Helmets, now accepting your 2 cents.

    My 6D Helmet busted the beak off during the crash, including breaking 2 of 3 plastic beak mounting screws and had lots of dirt scars all over it. When I hit the ground at 4th gear pinned 450 speed in the fastest section of the track, I know that my body did at least 4 or 5 complete out of...
  11. RocketRobin

    Helmets, now accepting your 2 cents.

    Realistically, 6D has the best and most scientific evidence to reduce the chance of concussion by their design. I've switched up to 6D this year and put it to the test immediately at Pleasure Valley Regional in a "WARP 9" high speed crash that blew out my knee while in CTI knee braces. My...
  12. RocketRobin

    Trump daddy

    We are almost poised for a revolution in this country, it's a scary time and all the great foundation that the Founding Fathers laid long before us after being tired of the tyranny of Britain is about to be torn up, thrown out the window, and re-written by people who's only goal is take all the...
  13. RocketRobin

    Super Regionals 2020

    Matt - Glad to hear that you've been training and getting ready, there have been many times that I've been there that I'm ecstatic to stay on the lead lap with the guys that are in the class like Kevin Walker. That's how I know I'm riding well, when Kevin Walker, John Grewe, or Mike Treadwell...
  14. RocketRobin

    Super Regionals 2020

    Matt, yeah let's not do that again, LOL. Say hi to me at the ranch (if I go), I like to meet the Ohio guys for sure!!! I'm only 2 weeks out of knee surgery tomorrow and hoping that I can ride well enough to still make it. I'm going to try to ride this week and see how the knee feels, huge...
  15. RocketRobin

    Super Regionals 2020

    Mike Treadwell is a great guy and one tough SOB if you have ever talked with him and hung out with him, he could be a spoiler, but he is coming off some surgeries in the past year to fix years of MX abuse on his body, but he was hauling at Pleasure Valley once he got through the first moto and...
  16. RocketRobin

    Super Regionals 2020

    Bruce, who do you have in the John Grewe-less +50 class this year? Mike Treadwell, Kevin Walker, Barry Carsten, Todd Richotte, Earl May? I think my money is on Kevin Walker
  17. RocketRobin

    Super Regionals 2020

    Bruce, I'll still take Mike Brown in +25 if he goes and so do the rest of the guys listed. Can't stop my streak now!!!! I'm hoping Loretta's is delayed some and give my knee some time to heal, as I signed up and looks like I may very well get in, I'm one week out of surgery, and I have 2.5...
  18. RocketRobin

    Super Regionals 2020

    Bruce, thanks for the reader's digest version. I never heard anything other than he was caught putting a camera in the bathroom - Lost is Yamaha Ride, and Lost his job at the Yamaha dealership. Never heard another thing. Last night at practice, someone told me that he had a 10 year ban from...
  19. RocketRobin

    Super Regionals 2020

    As we all know, you are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty in our country. I did not follow and do not know what happened in Kevin Walker's case and if he even had a trial. I know that the word of a bad situation spread quickly through the MX community and he was disgraced and...
  20. RocketRobin

    Super Regionals 2020

    Sharc, That's a tough call on Walker or Grewe since Grewe took over after Walker left the building here for years and I don't know their relative speed to each other. I will say, that it makes it a 3 rider battle at the front of +50 now with Walker, Grewe, and Carsten on that podium. Hard to...