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  1. ktrop251

    Loretta Lynn Qualifier Schedule

    I believe i also stated that I made tons of memories with my dad traveling around just riding. There are other options than chasing the dream of an amatuer national. People get too caught up in it. There's nothing wrong with taking your son to those races. My dad took me to them too and we had...
  2. ktrop251

    Loretta Lynn Qualifier Schedule

    I wonder if the new track in cleveland is running a qualifier in 2018.. give them a chance too. I can see positive and negatives. Sure, guys go to every area to get in to multiple regionals if they have the money. But, that's making it monetary. If you have enough money, you'll make it in...
  3. ktrop251

    Should we hit the emergency button??

    I agree with that. Being at the track all day never seemed like a chore the way people talk anymore. I was there with my dad and my friends. Me and my dad bonded on those two hour rides to the track in the morning and hanging out all day. We met tons of cool people from all over the country. We...
  4. ktrop251

    Should we hit the emergency button??

    I agree with that. Remember when OIR only had one race a month? I made it a point to go there and race. Malvern was every weekend and I'd end up there maybe once every two months. Limit the times a rider can hit a track. Look at redbud. Practices are packed full. They open a couple times a year.
  5. ktrop251

    Should we hit the emergency button??

    This hit the nail on the head. Lots of good points. Local shops don't stand a chance against retailers. I always try to support the local guys that have always been there to help me. Unless it's a huge price difference, I'll spend a few extra bucks to pick up a part at a shop. Pros doing some...
  6. ktrop251

    2017 Class for LL. Oh yeah!!

    I have a question.. C class is a beginner class, as most of us know, a 450 is a lot of bike for some experienced riders. Why is there a 450 C class? What beginner should be out there twisting the throttle on a 450? My point is, those guys winning at Loretta Lynn's in the 450 C class, are not...
  7. ktrop251

    2017 Class for LL. Oh yeah!!

    Y You make a good point about the moving up and stopping racing, I quit racing regularly shortly after moving to B class. It would be nice to see a 125 B class too but would there be room in the schedule? I know down south theyou used to run a 125b/c class that was always fun.
  8. ktrop251

    2017 Class for LL. Oh yeah!!

    C class for everyone. Sad part is, some guys will try for it thinking anyone will give a s**t that they went to LL in a C class and got 30th. But it's Lorettas!
  9. ktrop251

    Give me some honest opinions.

    Either way you go it'll be fun. 4 strokes are cool but 2 strokes are a lot of fun. I think either way each of them presents their weaknesses and strengths. I've seen sloppy out of shape guys shred on a 2 stroke. I've seen guys in great shape suck on a 4 stroke. Just pick one and go have fun
  10. ktrop251

    Give me some honest opinions.

    I'm with you. Used four strokes are very hard to judge. I've seen mint 250fs and 450s that look amazing last 10 hours and blow up. Two strokes are fun and cheaper to build but I've ran into issues with those too. Look at both, price out parts, and choose. Four stroke new is a good idea. Keep it...
  11. ktrop251

    Window tinting

    Whatever you do, don't go to century 2000 in akron. I went there.. like 4 times.. the line around the window wasn't straight and it bubbled after a few months. I had my silverado done by a guy in the hood in his garage for $40 10 years ago and the windows still look good. I paid 80 at century...
  12. ktrop251

    Window tinting

    I always go 20% on the front to match factory on the rear as close as possible. I believe they come 15% when tinted from factory.
  13. ktrop251

    Who's track?

    Sam yanatelli lives in the old boyas place now. Definitely a fun looking track. My aunt sold that house to ronnie way back. I used to ride on that land long before a track was there.
  14. ktrop251

    Best gear kits for 2017?

    That seven gear is insanely expensive. I always bought the previous year one industries and had good luck, until it was cut off. Always buy previous years styles. Check bto or motosport too. Got the fly gear last year and I love it. oneal is solid and the alias seems like a good price.
  15. ktrop251

    Lets hear about your track storys!!

    I was at ram Jam when the first opened and there was a small double out of a corner. it was my first ride on my 05 125. Got a brand new helmet for Christmas. Yamaha changed the gears that year to a six speed. I was in first gear, clicked what I thought was second, really a false neutral, and...
  16. ktrop251

    This friday.....65 outside, who open???

    Open practice at your place hersh?
  17. ktrop251

    Let's hear about your on track MX fights! Hahaha!

    Roosted an innocent bystander that hit me with a stick the first lap at a race. It was an OIR pro day race. He tracked me down and attempted to fight me at the gate of the next moto. Then he went after my dad, who at the time, had just taught himself to walk again after brain surgery. Needless...
  18. ktrop251

    Trump daddy

    Trump that bitch. Hes killing it tonight. Don't throw anything out, yet. Hillary is a sneaky sly, "nasty woman" Gotta love the underdog. Go Trump.
  19. ktrop251

    2016 Season Expense

    My dad and I calculated race cost over one season years ago. I was racing every weekend and riding twice a week. D12 and CRA. I believe the total was around $15,000 with parts, fees, memberships, gear, and gas. That did not include indoor races and practices or the trips to Florida and North...
  20. ktrop251

    2017 track plans

    I have to agree with this. We used to make it a point to hit OIR because it was a great track and you got once a month to ride it. You had one practice session and your motos. I'd even race 3 classes just to get more time on the track. Kenworthys was the same. Steel city, red bud, all those...