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  1. loneranger171

    Best oil to use

    Probably should post in the garage forum but change oil often and use Rotella from Walmart
  2. loneranger171

    video: Jordan weber

    Nice video! Cool home track where was this shot at
  3. loneranger171

    NOOOOO!!!! ELI down for the count

  4. loneranger171

    NOOOOO!!!! ELI down for the count

    Just saw on another site Eli out for the season...both shoulder are jacked one a complete rotator cuff tear... Looks like a Dungey vs rejuvenated Roczen now thru the end of the season... Can't help but feel a little less interested now in the outcome
  5. loneranger171

    Where Would Moto Be Without the Internet?

    Leave the Internet alone!!!
  6. loneranger171

    Possible Bad News About CR22!

    Kinda sweet looking toy... I don't see a practical use for racers but hey he got a half million dollar deal ....
  7. loneranger171

    Possible Bad News About CR22!

    Reeds a cry baby but... I mean I get it, he got a half million dollars deal to wear it let him wear the damn thing it helps bring more sponsors to the sport On a side note what the hell do you want to see 360 degrees around you for? To see how close he is to getting lapped?
  8. loneranger171

    no reason

    Didn't it go back to Colorado after troy ended also?
  9. loneranger171

    Comments, criticisms and human nature

    I think it's a good part of what hersheys friend suggested... This is the new Wikipedia term for engaging thru the Internet on topics or events
  10. loneranger171

    no reason

    Kids tough as nails... Hell maybe now the racing will be closer and not him winning by half a minute or more... As long as he can line up, the kids got a better chance than 3/4 of the other riders
  11. loneranger171

    no reason

    Just saw on racer x he just dislocated his shoulder and he'll be fine... Race tactics ehhhh? No way that is all that he messed up
  12. loneranger171

    PICS | Beans Bike Park | 5/25 | Memorial Day

    Can't imagine not wanting to get out again but I can understand if ur whole life revolved around racing like his was for a long time u might be burned out... Guy was one of my favorite riders to cheer for at many SX and Nationals
  13. loneranger171

    PICS | Beans Bike Park | 5/25 | Memorial Day

    Great pictures! At first glance when I saw the 56 I thought katin came out to play...
  14. loneranger171

    Video: Briarcliff LLAQ

    Great job! Liked the music and your edits of the different classes...
  15. loneranger171

    Growing our Sport ?

    Pay it for forward right hershey?
  16. loneranger171


    Jus be glad you can watch it and that we don't have to see Barcia run out of gas in the desert 10x per race
  17. loneranger171

    Beans 5/24 and Monday 5/25

    Hope you feel better BJ... Although it is your neck I'm sure it's a pain in the ass
  18. loneranger171

    C class struggles.

    Let a bunch of A riders borrow the slower C riders bikes and whoop on the sandbagger riders until they quit and take their ball home... It can go down in moto history as the great sandbagger extraction... Just my contribution to a soon to be 20 pager lol
  19. loneranger171

    Hanging @Hangtown...

    Tomacs smack down was probably one of the most badass I've seen... Only other race that sticks in my head was RC lapping the field in a mud race at Millville
  20. loneranger171

    Hanging @Hangtown...

    Dominant performance by Tomac... 45-50 seconds are you kidding me? What does that say about the rest... Crazy Also glad for Roczen to be better leaps and bounds in 2nd moto but can someone explain to me how he got better with his back so quickly it was only an hour from his first moto...