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  1. S

    BSA club

    Hey Smitty, what time does the reliability run start. Can't seem to find it anywhere......
  2. S

    BSA club

    If I make it, RD60 or RD250. Guy maybe coming from WV to buy my old pickup that might stop me from coming.
  3. S

    Trump daddy

    Trump urges Pooteen to hack Hillary's server. "If he is talking about the State Department emails on her server, he is inviting a foreign intelligence service to steal sensitive American government information. If he is talking about the allegedly private emails that she destroyed, he is...
  4. S

    Trump daddy

    Talk to anybody that worked for Ardac in Eastlake OH about Trump and how he creates jobs. Owners had to sell at pennies on the dollar and layoff everybody because Donnie refused to pay for the equipment Ardac put into his casino. Somewhere south of $3million. He's talked about doing the same...
  5. S

    So.......What is the problem. Money????

    That only works when there are spectators coming just to watch, not friends and family coming to watch their kid or uncle or relation of some sort. Flat Track Canada has full county fair stands every race we've been to. Entry fees are about the same as MX here but even the old fart class pays...
  6. S

    BSA club

    Anything can ride the reliability run, right? Maybe I'll actually make one of these. Broken hand should be able to handle that.
  7. S

    Trump daddy

    The only one that is correct is the one about strongman dictators. The others are all provably false for those that wish to do the research.
  8. S

    Trump daddy

    Total federal spending (in millions) since 1990. Note since 2009, first time BHO had anything to do with the budget, it's been relatively flat.
  9. S

    Trump daddy

    And now Donnie is trying to associate a gold star mother with terrorists. He's scum.
  10. S

    Trump daddy

    He hit it out of the park. Too bad he's not only ineligible but seems to have Parkinson's. Michelle in 2024!
  11. S

    weddings stuff...

    I saw a deck of cards that could get a buck or two off old farts that haven't a clue what the heck you're doing. Must be worth something. Invest it in a new scam.
  12. S

    Trump daddy

    Besides, Obama already got all your guns.
  13. S

    Trump daddy

    Drumpf will have plenty of time to do that if the electorate is stupid enough to vote for him. Hillary will have a republifuck congress so it'll never happen. Only donnie could scare them enough for that.
  14. S

    Trump daddy

    Vlad Pooteen does his happy dance every time Drumpf mentions NATO.
  15. S

    Trump daddy

    "the economy is in a shambles" "our borders are not secure" "crime is rampant" "we are seen as weak" "I am the only person that can fix that" Said every strongman dictator ever.
  16. S

    Trump daddy

    Cruz and Kasich are doing exactly what they need to do so that they can pick up the crumbled bits of the republifuck airplane crash after November. Probably be a whole lot harder after Billary have a couple years to solidify things but it's their only chance.
  17. S

    Trump daddy

    Like Obama did!
  18. S

    Trump daddy

    Because the republican congress will pass a law against it?
  19. S

    Trump daddy

    Finally had time to watch Melania channel her inner Michelle. Hilarious!
  20. S

    Trump daddy