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    riding party (some pics) tom archer again.. this is our 6 pack which can be triple triple or double double double. or you can do it his way and quadrupole double it.. or you can do what kenny henry did and just jump the entire 6pack in one jump... yes that...
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    riding party (some pics) this is tom archer hitting the table top..
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    riding party (some pics)

    okay i have a couple pics.. not too great. i promise ill get more as soon as i can! whenever someone comes over to ride next ill get pics and videos! text me about questions.. comments.. whatever. the party is gonna be august 25th&26th. number is 419 577 2742
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    oh the people on craigslist... has little to no compression, can't get it to start. he wants 1500 for it, even though it's a '98... and without the motor is worth 2000? that makes perfect sense... hmm.. lol
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    Fox v3 vs fly f2 carbon helmet

    i have the fox v3 carbon fiber helmet.. and i like it a lot. the only thing i dislike about it and idk if it has anything to do with me being smaller than a guy but the bottom of my helmet touches my leatt. i don't really have any room between my helmet and leatt. otherwise it's very comfortable...
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    riding party

    this is a google earth view.. the layout has a changed a little bit though..
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    riding party

    lol fine by me.. hope you guys can make it!
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    riding party

    i don't have any youtube videos... but i'll try to get someone out soon so i can get some videos (i'm currently out due to a broken foot) but i'll get some pics (best that i can anyways) if you find me on Facebook.. i have some up there. Destiny Heitsche. and I'm doing it the end of august...
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    riding party

    i know this is a little early.. but every year i like to have a riding party at my place. a saturday & sunday.. just getting ahead this year to see if anyone would be interested. it would be the last weekend in august, 25th&26th. riding both days, we have a huge bonfire saturday night. camping...
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    Kaylynn Koltar 55 C-Class Western Reserve 6/5/11

    didn't see the date, sorry. and I wasn't doing it to put her down. no doubt I would consider her the fastest girl in Ohio. I'm not saying she's bad or slow or anything.. cause she could definitely smoke me. what I meant is she could actually do something with motocross, but by now Kimberly was...
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    Kaylynn Koltar 55 C-Class Western Reserve 6/5/11

    pretty close.. however, by this time kimberly was racing B class.. so she still has a little ways to go..
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    What is Your Job?

    i work for my dad. i'm a laborer, he owns 2 companies.. Heitsche Trucking & Heitsche Boyz Crushing. only problem with it, i work so much i dont have time to play! i guess thats the downfall to owning your own (or 2) business.. theres always something that needs to be done! i work 7 days a week...
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    2011 ktm 250 sxf for sale

    wow lol really
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    2011 ktm 250 sxf for sale

    you're not fast enough for a 450 :) gotta beat me first!! ;)
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    Smith road open practice bikes and quads saturday september 30

    4 hours for bikes, 5 hours for quads? hmm..
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    Anybody wanna ride a new track?

    never been to this track... would love to check it out!
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    Bc 9-17 & 9-18

    i wish... dad wont let me take either day off from work :/ ill be down hopefully next open practice! (if i can get my father to let me off work at least one day out of the week) :p
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    OIR Open Practice Sunday July 24th - split practice!!!!

    ill be there! looking forward to it!
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    What bike is better?

    not necessarily.. i went from an 85 to a 250f. never rode a 2stroke big bike. when i had my 85 i was riding at my house on our 450 also. i never had issues with learning how to handle a 4stroke big bike. in my opinion it would actually be easier to get a 4stroke than a 2stroke because on a 125...
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    Smith Rd. Raceway July 4th

    hahaha thats so funny! and sooo true! they've been that way for as long as i can remember!