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  1. I

    New Riding Facility – Market Survey

    agreed! i think its time to build elsewhere.... give other riders some options! lol
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    New Riding Facility – Market Survey

    of course, another track.. not near me! geeze i live in such an awful location!! closest track to me, apple cabin or smith road about 40 mins east... i think its time i move...
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    Apple Cabin 4-21-11

    dont count on it... mother nature doesnt seem to like ohio!
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    Red Bud Open Practice April 23

    it doesnt seem to be working! however, i dont need to hit the refresh button for down south... maybe thats where ill end up this weekend?!
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    Briarcliff Reloads 4-9 & 4-10

    im not as fast as B riders is the only problem, which is why i would consider myself a C rider. but i think that separation you've set up will work out very good. i think everyone will be much more happy and feel better when they come to the track and know they wont always have to ride with the...
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    Briarcliff Reloads 4-9 & 4-10

    too slow
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    Briarcliff Reloads 4-9 & 4-10

    well i could consider myself a C rider i guess, but i dont race that class. i have the skill of a B rider though. but that doesnt mean im gonna stop riding the A/B track. like i said, i jump everything but the triple and finish line. im not out there rolling everything like other people. so im...
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    Briarcliff Reloads 4-9 & 4-10

    just because you're a C rider, doesnt mean you need to be on the C track though. its not really what class you're in. cause i ride the big track and jump everything there but the finish line and the triple. but yet, im not an A rider? (B maybe) so should i still have to be on the C track?
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    Briarcliff Reloads 4-9 & 4-10

    yes it was scary. i didnt even know it was him that crashed, i just figured he pulled off the track to wait. then josh said it was him. i havent heard yet though how hes doing today. hopefully ill talk to josh in a little bit and find out. but i think it would be a very good idea to separate...
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    Briarcliff Reloads 4-9 & 4-10

    Fred doesnt have any broken bones. had a very bad concussion, still going in and out of it though. earlier today, he knew his name but didnt know the date or where he was (at the hospital) doctors took tests of him, but havent got the results back yet. there were 9 traumas within an hour when he...
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    Briarcliff Reloads 4-9 & 4-10

    how has it been the past few days though? cause all ive seen the past few days is rain, rain, and more rain
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    Briarcliff Reloads 4-9 & 4-10

    uh oh... its been raining up north... hows the weather down there??
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    i agree with jon!
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    prep work and building a track for riders of all levels is hard.. dont bust his chops too much! it takes a lot more then you'll ever know unless you've got your own track to run. we've got a track we have open practice on and my dad is the only one who works on it. between owning his own...
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    Briar cliff ?????

    sorry! must've been a dirtclod... my bad. it was a 450 that i got behind too.. i never wore a chestprotector with my leatt til i started coming to the cliff every weekend... i couldnt handle the roost from the 450s! haha but i dont think its a big deal you took the table out, because there is...
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    King of the Cliff

    i would do this.... however, i know that i dont have a chance in hell at winning... haha
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    Briar cliff ?????

    where is the 6 pack going to be? see, i've jumped everything there except the triple.. so i dont look at it as an A track. and i think its a good thing to slow down that roller section... i got hit in the face with a rock through there (how? im not sure!)
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    Briar cliff ?????

    ohh.. okay haha my bad!
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    Briar cliff ?????

    its not mostly A. i go out there and shred hard! and im a girl :)