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  1. ktrop251

    So.......What is the problem. Money????

    I'm not disagreeing. Times have changed and maybe racing in the mud just isn't a part of the sport anymore. It just shocks me that less than 10 years ago, it was. I have realized that a sunny day beats the hell out of a muddy one. After all, I've cleaned many of bikes that were caked with mud. Lol
  2. ktrop251

    It makes sense to me now.

    Scrolling down in the comments and I found this gem.
  3. ktrop251

    So.......What is the problem. Money????

    73 is too damn hot. Bike won't over heat, but I get hot flashes and I'm a nightmare to be around. 71?! Do you want me to get hypothermia and freeze to death? What is this? Should I stud my tires? I hear there's frost when it drops below 50 at night... Seasons over.
  4. ktrop251

    So.......What is the problem. Money????

    My Dad and I were having a long coversation regarding people not wanting to race mud races. I thought, and you know, I hated mud racing growing up. I hated riding in it, I hated cleaning it up, and I hated driving to the track in the pouring rain knowing it was going to be a foot deep of nort...
  5. ktrop251

    Still the goat!

    I thought Ricky was fattening up, From the looks of it, he's just been bulking since retirement.
  6. ktrop251

    So.......What is the problem. Money????

    I was thinking the same thing about 4 strokes. Not saying they killed the sport but they may have played a roll in changes. I do agree that in the early 2000s it was cheaper to rebuild my 125 and I did rebuild it between races. I can say that I have never blown a bike up in a mud race or felt...
  7. ktrop251

    So.......What is the problem. Money????

    This is something I don't understand. When I raced in 2005-2007 every weekend, we raced rain or shine. There were times it poured buckets during my moto. Why did this change? Why are races now canceled with just a slight possibility of rain? I just don't get it. Why the sudden change? Is it the...
  8. ktrop251

    It makes sense to me now.

    Look how sad it is, they have to resort to riding on the city streets because no one gave them a motocross track to ride around on. Poor guys, if only someone would take $2 million and build them a place they could ride. That would change society, that's the light at the end of the tunnel. Let...
  9. ktrop251

    It makes sense to me now.

    So.... you're telling me there's a chance?! Get them memberships up. Hell, give em away for free. Better yet, why don't you just tax me to compensate for them so they don't have to worry about buying it or paying for the membership.
  10. ktrop251

    In other news....

    I'm excited to see Webb on a 450. I watched that kid tear it up when I stayed at crystal coast on 85s.
  11. ktrop251

    Why do people get butt hurt because of what some post on here???

    This is why we can't have nice things. Can we please get away from these types of discussions? Maybe this should be in the non moto section. For f**k sake we are grown men bickering like old hens. I feel like I'm reading posts by children. On a better note, I do get entertainment reading all of...
  12. ktrop251

    No Surrender - Dean Wilson

    He has the right idea. Take a break, let the body heal, think, take your time. Too many of the young bucks are trying to rush back to racing. Even at the local level guys racing with broken bones, shoulders torn up, knees blown out. For what? Deano has the right idea.
  13. ktrop251

    So.......What is the problem. Money????

    Someone is making an effort..... uh oh. Good for you guys. If I could be there I would be. Good luck to you and thanks for trying something different!
  14. ktrop251

    Practice and Race forums now self moderated

    Well said. I don't know if it's recent or if this has always gone on. I'm really sick of the hate forums. Bouncing ideas is one thing but riders attacking other riders and track owners/promoters is absolutely ridiculous. We are mostly adults here, how about we act like it? We are so lucky to...
  15. ktrop251

    What would it take to bring you back to RACING

    ^double like.
  16. ktrop251

    What would it take to bring you back to RACING

    This isn't road racing, it's motocross. Let's just face it, most guys that race motocross, don't have the money that other sports require. I personally don't mind hanging out at the track with my friends for 12 hours. Hell, I'd do it and not even race, I've done it before. Everyone bitches about...
  17. ktrop251

    Broken Spokes

    I got excited too. I read it and the wheels started turning. Miss that place. Bring back spokes!
  18. ktrop251

    What would it take to bring you back to RACING

    As I mentioned, it would not be long term, but for one weekend. I know tracks don't make the money they should. I know how much it costs to put on a race. I know tracks lose money 9 times out of 10 when they put on a race. It sucks but it's true. So, to put on a race knowing there might not be a...
  19. ktrop251

    What would it take to bring you back to RACING

    That's exactly what I was talking about. Do some good advertising and get people talking and there could be some money in it. Even if it's not long term, that one race might get you that 300 rider turnout you've been looking for.
  20. ktrop251

    What would it take to bring you back to RACING

    The membership thing that was brought up seems cool. One reason I don't race anymore is because I'm not in it for a points chase. The membership seems pointless for only hitting a couple races out of the season if I'm lucky. How much is a gate fee these days? Is it $15? If so, I think that's a...