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  1. TimSr90

    Did ANYONE see an AMA offical?

    Membership dues, by law, cannot be used for lobbying in Washington. If you want your money to be used for lobbying, you need to donate to that specific arm of the AMA. Your AMA membership only puts you on the mailing list.
  2. TimSr90

    Did ANYONE see an AMA offical?

    As an AMA representative answered me last year when I asked of what value it would be to us to have an AMA sanctioned class for a once a year event, he said, "It's for the prestige of being sanctioned by the AMA." Apparentiy $49 per rider buys a lot of prestige.
  3. TimSr90

    Pine Lake GP Sunday July 19th

    Jarrod, One moto, like a Harescramble.
  4. TimSr90

    Did ANYONE see an AMA offical?

    Congratulations to the bike racers who are now being treated like quad racers have been for years. Look at the tracks who dropped AMA from what was once the ATVA Extreme Dirt Track Nationals series. Apparently they don't rape dirt bike MX promoters as badly as they did quad TT racing. That's...
  5. TimSr90

    New East Extreme Dirt Track ATV Nationals at Pine Lake July 18-20

    This coming weekend is the Annual Pine Lake Nationals in Ashtabula, Ohio. This year, the event is now promoted by NE-EDT and NOT ATVA. NO MORE AMA SANCTION CARDS REQUIRED! Information for this event and the NE_EDT Series can be found at: This event also brings the largets 3...
  6. TimSr90

    Pine Lake GP Sunday July 19th

    Bummer they moved you to Sunday this year. I've decided to run 3 Wheeler Open TT class, so I'll probably wash out in the Sat heats, and still be able to run the HS on Sunday.
  7. TimSr90

    Smith Road's Annual 4th of July Race

    Great day for first timers! I get more joy watching them than anybody. This little guy's very first race has him hooked for life. [video]
  8. TimSr90

    Smith Road's Annual 4th of July Race

    Thanks to Smith Road and staff for another enjoyable event!
  9. TimSr90

    Smith Road's Annual 4th of July Race

    Attention 3 wheeler racers: If you have a child racing a mini 3 wheeler on the peewee track, OTC Racing will pay your entry fee! If you are a first time 3 wheeler racer in the big trike class, OTC Racing will pay your entry fee! You need to contact me in advance, either message here or on...
  10. TimSr90

    Cost of a National

    Nothing wrong with overcharging if you are filling the event with participants, and filling the stands with spectators. I'm sick of all the whining about declining participation and empty stands as justification for overcharging for something less and less people want to go to because of the...
  11. TimSr90

    Cost of a National

    You are paying for the camping atmosphere. it costs a lot of money to keep screaming drunks playing loud rap music, and runnig obnoxious generators to power their phone charger all night. The AMA moto is "If you can't afford it, we didn't want you here anyhow."
  12. TimSr90


    I think the racing culture has changed over time. Many things I see today that are considered an acceptable part of racing would have been considered dirty 10 years ago.
  13. TimSr90

    Looking for a good camping/riding spot

    Coming from Cleveland, Ashtabula probably fits into your 2 hour drive. Pine Lake Raceway and Trails has everything you are looking for. Call ahead and check for sceduled activites. If you are looking to drive a little further, Its hard to beat Lightning Raceway for $10 a day open riding. The...
  14. TimSr90

    Ive been up all night, government healthcare

    "It's Bush's fault!" I expected that much earlier but knew it would come eventually.
  15. TimSr90

    TV Land MX race Sunday June 7th

    I really had a wonderful time out there, and am always amazed at the track prep. We always enjoy the warm reception. I guess since I'm only out there once a year, I was indifferent to the track changes. It was great before, and it was great now, but I can't say I lean in either direction. Look...
  16. TimSr90

    TV Land MX race Sunday June 7th

    Looking forward to it!
  17. TimSr90

    Comments, criticisms and human nature

    Hershey, I got the impression you were learning things about this forum that you were not aware of before, that did not make you happy. When you tied this to existing threads, you missed a very important one "Where is pitracer going?" and some of the comments as to how pitracer is perceived by...
  18. TimSr90


    The republican field will shake itself out. Half of them are nor serious, and just want to get discusion of their own interests in the race. The democrat lack of a field is more interesting to me. I don't see any enthusiastic Hillary supporters, and on those rare occasions when she has an...
  19. TimSr90

    Growing our Sport ?

    Just when I decided I was finished with this thread. CTMX, that is awesome! Thanks for posting that. I can now exit this thread with a little more hope and optimism. I truly hope your investments in the sport come back as returns to your business, but it looks like that has already happened.
  20. TimSr90

    Tvland: HOLY BLEEP

    I've never seen the track anything less than amazing, so I expect to love it as always. June 7 will be part of the CRA 3 Wheeler Series.