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  1. TimSr90

    Big Game Triathlon August 1,2 & 3

    Looking forward to this! We had to cut out Friday this year due to family budget constraints. Was wondering if we roll in the camp area later Friday, like after 9pm, if we still got charged $10 per person for Friday?
  2. TimSr90

    Go Pros

    This is a good price to entice me to try one of these. I don't know much about these either, so I ask, is this ready to record, or do I need to buy more stuff before I can use it?
  3. TimSr90

    Wiseco Piston Rings - 72mm Bore - 2835CD

    I don't think you're going to find much difference in price unless you find a private individual on ebay who bought some they no longer need. Wiseco probably sets minimum price for its authporized dealers, and Wiseco direct price is probably slightly higher as they want to you buy from their...
  4. TimSr90

    Racing and to keep the ones you have in the sport!

    What we have here is a failure to communicate. I'm all for banning whoever you want. Morally, I think its your right. I'm merely suggesting that you learn the law, be smart about it, and protect yourself legally when you do it. That's not cowardly, it's sensible. I'm baffled as to why anyone...
  5. TimSr90

    Racing and to keep the ones you have in the sport!

    footlogic, I'm assuming you did not get any legal advice from a real attorney. I am NOT an attorney, but I would have told you to file in small claims court. You don't need an attorney, the filing fee is probably still under $20 and I believe the current limit in Ohio is either $5K or $6K. A...
  6. TimSr90

    Racing and to keep the ones you have in the sport!

    I would contened that the AMA rulebook does not carry any weight in a court of law, especially for non-AMA events. If you violate AMA rules at an AMA event, the only enforecment mechanism is to revoke your AMA membership, and prevent you from ever getting another one. Their fines can only be...
  7. TimSr90

    Racing and to keep the ones you have in the sport!

    It's easy to condemn promoters for "letting the guy in", but I had always wondered the extent of a promoter's rights when it comes to banning or ejecting undesirables. Can they just simply bar entry based on something read on the internet? Can you bar somebody because you don't like them or...
  8. TimSr90

    Racing and to keep the ones you have in the sport!

    I don't know anything about the criminal case status, but I have been contacted to testify in a civil matter related to this incident in PA. Since its 2 1/2 hours away, they are seeking permission for me to testify by phone, but if they shoot that down I will be making the trip at my own...
  9. TimSr90

    3.5 Billion for immigration?

    Actually it will mostly be used to accomodate the currecnt influx, so we can more efficiently receive more of them. We could feed them, treat their diseases and parasites, clean them up and cloth them, and send them all home on a plane for Millions rather than Billions, and it would discourage...
  10. TimSr90

    Rough riding at Apple Cabin MX track.

    Glad tings are resolved for you at this track. I do think it was also good advice for you to check out some other tracks as well. Some tracks will just fit better than others during different stages of the kids' development. If you are in Seville, you should consider giving Smith Rd a try...
  11. TimSr90

    Kids and motocross, a branch of Hersey's thread.

    My son started just before age 4, and he still takes time out of his work schedule to bang bars with the old man at almost 20. How does anyone stay interested in anything? It has to be fun! De-emphasize the competition aspect, and set a good example. Ride with your kids, and show them how to...
  12. TimSr90

    Attn: QUADS ATVA Extreme Dirt Track Nationals - Pine Lake - Ashtabula

    This is TT Racing at its best! For the 3rd year, this event will also be running 3 Wheeler Classes!
  13. TimSr90

    Open practice

  14. TimSr90

    Transgender at LL Qualifier is DQ

    I foresee and eventual end to separate women's classes. I wonder when adults can start running peewee classes because they feel like a kid.
  15. TimSr90

    (ISIS) and US...

    Your principle is based on a totally false premise, (an Obama lie) that our only option to get our deserter back was to surrender to all their wishes and demands. Obama has been looking for an excuse to turn loose these high level terrorists since the failed attempt to kidnap of our embassador...
  16. TimSr90

    CRA MX Harrison Co Fair Tuesday 7/1/14

    Thanks to Lightning and crew for a wonderful job! We had a great time racing there. That entire fair was unlike anything I've ever seen! Was more like your typical small town festival. very laid back, and pleasant friendly atmosphere. Started out hating the track, but ended up loving it. It...
  17. TimSr90

    Racing and to keep the ones you have in the sport!

    While I can appreciate the emotion involved in what we would all like to do to this guy, the situation was handled in the best possible way. Separating the jerk from the kid until police arrive, and written statements by RATIONAL, CALM, and REASONABLE eyewitness accounts make a very strong legal...
  18. TimSr90

    (ISIS) and US...

    Many good soldiers sacrifice their lives to take out high value targets. If Bergdahl were a true patriot fighting for his country, he would not have wanted or expected the release of 5 of the world's most bloodthirsty mass murderers on the world to kill again in order to save himself. Everybody...
  19. TimSr90

    (ISIS) and US...

    Iraq is a piece of land of land that never did anything to anybody. The concern is who happens to occupy it. Afghanistan did not attack us on 911. A bunch of Al-Quaeda who happened to be there did, who were given welcomed and supported by the Taliban who happened to rule there. We attacked both...
  20. TimSr90

    Racing and to keep the ones you have in the sport!

    I was 15 feet away, and Walter's account is 100% accurate. This incident had nothing to do with overzealous mini parents with idiotic demands of performance. This was simply an abusive jackass with no ability whatsoever to maintain self control, who has no business with a child in his care. This...