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  1. bobbybouche

    Quad Rider survives crash.

    thanks im doing ok now his name was nick newton hes never even raced cra before lives in NY and just happend to race that day!!! can find him and me in open quad!!!! but any way im feeling better and going to try to race this weekend
  2. bobbybouche

    Quad Rider survives crash.

    thanks i tried to do good flagging it was hard when the little bikes fell cuz i had to help pick up the bikes!!! and that made my arm hurt more
  3. bobbybouche

    Quad Rider survives crash.

    hey im the guy getting dragged by the quad!!! im ok just a lil sore, but my arm went over and under his axel and thats how i got dragged!!! and idk y he didnt stop cuz clearly in the pictures hes looking back at me but it happens i guess