Search results

  1. whitcraft

    July 9-10 come train with us.

    Hey everyone just letting you know there are still spots available for this weekend for the training camp. The camp will be going off unless the weather were to change and crush us.
  2. whitcraft

    July 9-10 come train with us.

    Hey everyone here is the first camp we are going to have. We have had a lot of inquiries and support with making the decision to do camps. This will be the first offered. The ability to more frequent these schools will rely on the demand. Hope everyone is having a great summer and if you have...
  3. whitcraft

    Mx Training and Progression

    Hey everyone here are the details on our first camp. claim your spot while they are still available
  4. whitcraft

    Mx Training and Progression

    Lonnie, we too look forward to the School to be performed at Route 62. We will probably have Jeff Gibson in attendance. We are just working on dates.
  5. whitcraft

    Mx Training and Progression

    Hey everyone, So I have received a decent amount of interests and questions on the training. The first training day will be this coming saturday the 6/18. I know it is short notice and I apologize for that. This first single day of training will be $150 per rider at the old Wild Wilderness...
  6. whitcraft

    Mx Training and Progression

    Hey Everyone! Summer is here and I hope riders of all ages are ready to get a strong share of seat time in. If y’all wouldn’t mind and be patient to read this post I would greatly appreciate it. I know the topic and number of riding coaches and schools are popping up everywhere. I’m here to...
  7. whitcraft

    Rick Melon Pit Bike?

    "I got a new set rings I was saving for the final" ......... "I got a set of knobbies that will stick to the track like glue"
  8. whitcraft

    Advanced riding Techniques: Pro Level.

    just reread that sorry if its choppy to read typing from cell phone.
  9. whitcraft

    Advanced riding Techniques: Pro Level.

    OK heres my Im not a physics so Im not saying I am correct but I have raced sx and such. From the force aspect and such of it. The bike is compressed/ bottomed out up the face of triple, so there is some spring coming up and such and if you envision the arch of the...
  10. whitcraft

    Advanced riding Techniques: Pro Level.

    AAAhhh its a grey area... lol Yes you stay with the bike. but what he is doing is exactly what he says he is. He lets his feet up off the pegs and is allowing the bike to float up to him to give a little bit more air time or float time. But where do you want to draw your line? What he is...