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  1. ggx15

    Motocross of Nations

    Crack, snap and pop... I didn't pay attention that is was the 2009 race, i was just happy it was free! They really got us good this year though, making us pay for it, something like $50+. I'm sure it will be available for download on the net the following day though. Do you know if they...
  2. ggx15

    Motocross of Nations

    Was curious to know what website had the Motocross of Nations free live webcast, however, I found a site for anyone who might not know:,3080 Anyone know of any other sites in case this one has troubles?
  3. ggx15

    DirtWorld Open Practice Thurs. 8/18

    I can't wait to get there tomorrow!
  4. ggx15


    Just look for the best track in the area, and you will find Dirtworld's address!
  5. ggx15

    TV Land Thursday May 12th

    Yeah that is a stupid idea! With the exception of maybe two Thursdays, Dirtworld was open every week last season, with perfect track conditions, and great turnouts. It was a record breaking year. Tuesdays would be smarter!
  6. ggx15

    Stewart arrested for impersonating a police officer.

    KTM, bad YOU did not SLIP through the CRACK!!! Nevertheless, that was my point exactly! There is an increasing number of incidences where you are finding corrupt higher officials, of all sorts.
  7. ggx15

    Stewart arrested for impersonating a police officer.

    Well worded! I probably could have worded my statement better... All i was trying to say is that i "dislike," if "HATE" is to strong of a word, COPS, because "MOST OF" or "SOME" for technicality issues, don't practice what they preach. Officers, Politicians, Doctors, CEO's, Teachers, etc... are...
  8. ggx15

    Stewart arrested for impersonating a police officer. i am not immature, i am not a child, i have paid my dues, and i am not a Stewart fan. I would say i have many friends and relatives who are cops, which gives me an inside perspective, i am observant of NEWS and aware of my SURROUNDINGS, and have seen many examples and heard many...
  9. ggx15

    Stewart arrested for impersonating a police officer.

    More than likely Stewart will finish the season out, and possibly be outdoors. The real story is the crybaby cops. I know they perform a good task and all, however, most of the cops are worse than the criminals they arrest. These cops now days are drunks who drive every night, do drugs, kidnap...
  10. ggx15

    Help Wanted @ DirtWorld (Water truck driver.)

    Haha...I guess so.
  11. ggx15

    Help Wanted @ DirtWorld (Water truck driver.)

    That a boy! Yeah should have a fun time there this summer! I watered the track there all last season. I tried to lay that QUALITY H2O as heavy as I could, in order to create sum DEEP ruts and MUD holes. It rained almost every Tuesday and Wednesday last year, so the track was the...
  12. ggx15

    Help Wanted @ DirtWorld (Water truck driver.)

    Thats some funny stuff. No matter how much water you put down, you will have "certain" guys "CRYING" about it, riding the water truck roads instead of the track.
  13. ggx15

    Cheap Honda Parts?

    Jon, i would be interested to know where you find your parts, as i have a 2007crf that locked the motor last year, after only two seasons. Two years does not seem like much time on a motor, when the oil was changed regularly. I am not sure to what extent the damages are, however, i am preparing...
  14. ggx15

    Help Wanted @ DirtWorld (Water truck driver.)

    Yeah...put TONS of water down! Sit in the turns and flood them so DEEP ruts will form!
  15. ggx15

    Bully Beat Down Little-BigBoy Style

    Haaha...very true! Hall monitor or WWE, either way, he has a bright future ahead of him! I would hire him for protection if I needed a body guard!
  16. ggx15

    Help Wanted @ DirtWorld (Water truck driver.)

    Sadly not working on the track.
  17. ggx15

    Help Wanted @ DirtWorld (Water truck driver.)

    I'll quite my stupid freak-en job, i'm just looking for a reason! One day a week of work is about all I can handle anyway! Last thing we need is a DRY track
  18. ggx15

    Supercross triples.....not that high

    I think this might be Tommy Clowers around 30ft. Nevertheless, the guys doing supercross triples are still going big, not to mention fast.
  19. ggx15

    Bully Beat Down Little-BigBoy Style

    Probably one of the greatest video's I have seen!
  20. ggx15

    What?!?! A POSITIVE Article about MX in the Paper?

    Nice article! However, many will never change their mind, nor understand riding, until they actually throw a leg over a bike and try it for their selves!