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  1. S

    Trump daddy

    Supremos rule one man one vote includes everybody. Republicans losing on all fronts.
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    Moto Vans

    I just bought a Nissan pickup with the 4liter V-6 (VQ40DE) on the recommendation of a guy that works for the dealer. "Motor should last forever with a little care" was his comment.
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    Trump daddy

    [Mostly redacted] FYI, our third branch of government did NOT strip a pile of union rights away today. But only because one sitting member died a few weeks ago. Had he been alive, not only would union organizing be set back years (from an earlier Supreme Court ruling they would have...
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    Tax Status Help

    Something like "the expectation that your business will make money" is in the law. Somewhere. So you can lose money occasionally but don't be surprised if the letter comes asking for your presence. As long as you make a profit, it's really a business. They don't decide about how stupid you...
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    Trump daddy

    For the first time this election, I am worried. There is a theory I just came across that it may be possible, with a third party candidate, to deny either the Democrap or Republifuck candidate the 270 electoral votes needed to become president. Third party dude would have to get a few states...
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    Tax Status Help

    You can claim anything as a business but if you don't make money, only lose money, expect an audit and the expenses being denied. Even gambling. You can lose money occasionally but you better be making money most of the time if you're deducting expenses. I claimed roadracing expenses...
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    Winter Projects Re-re-re-re-visited

    Re: Bicycle rides Amtrak's Capitol Limited has 8 bicycle spaces. Runs from DC to Chicago. Last Friday morning we (four of us) caught it in Clevo and rode to Toodelido. Then rode our bikes back on the North Coast Inland trail (mostly). Great fun, boy got frostbitten fingers but nothing...
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    Who is voting in the primary?

    It does say otherwise. Ted 'Weasel' Cruz completely ignores article 6 and the first and 14th amendments anytime he can play up religion to his supporters. Which is to say, he's no different than any of the other candidates with respect to stomping on the constitution when it suits him.
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    Who is voting in the primary?

    That is not correct according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics who makes this calculation. You can see the way it is really calculated here:
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    Who is voting in the primary?

    It's absolutely an entrepreneurial quest. Most likely won't go well in the long run but anybody smart enough to make money at that and not get addicted and/or busted by our stupid drug laws would otherwise make a good businessman. FYI, those guys don't get counted in the unemployment numbers...
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    Who is voting in the primary?

    Man, she hasn't even been elected yet and the whining is already begun. This is awesome.
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    Who is voting in the primary?

    "Superdelegate" is a delegate that isn't being voted on, the parties already selected them. Party insiders.' Congresscritters and precinct committemen. In some cases they have to vote the way voters voted, in some cases not, and it's different every state and each party. There are also...
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    Trump daddy

    Bye Marco. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
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    Who is voting in the primary?

    The rules the parties use to nominate a presidential candidate are not set by the constitution. The writers of the constitution didn't really expect a two party system. Hell they didn't know what to expect and were trying to write something to suit any contingency. The republifuck party...
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    Race gas in NEO

    Deez Performance. I don't think they carry appropriate bike stuff but here's their website