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  1. S

    Race gas in NEO

    chardon oil in P'ville had cans two weeks ago. They run out?
  2. S

    Anybody ever have a frame re-stamped with matching numbers?

    In the late 70's early 80's when we replaced a frame on a crashed street bike, Yamaha and Suzuki sent frames with no numbers. We punched the number from the frame we took off onto the new one. No backup as you suggest required. Grinding off numbers might make this a different scenario.
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    Trump daddy

    yea really. Where was Trump Daddy? They sent some simulacrum that looked similar but didn't have the big hands.
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    Trump daddy

    Republifuck debate in 12 minutes. Next to last one. LET'S DO THIS! Opening more of Momma Mike's cider in 3 - 2 - 1....
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    Trump daddy

    You are absolutely correct. The congress controls the budget. The Prez signs off on whatever they came up with (or not).
  6. S

    Trump daddy

    Last president that had a balanced budget? Hmmmm, lemme see.
  7. S

    Trump daddy

    That is incorrect. The sequester was written into the Budget Control Act of 2011 by republicans. They then had the opportunity to pass a full budget before the sequester took effect two years later but failed to put anything before the president to sign. The sequester was a product of the...
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    Trump daddy

    There's no such thing as a true conservative anymore. They were co-opted by the religious fanatic christian right.
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    Trump daddy

    Raising the minimum wage has had almost no negative effect and in some places, positive effect, where it has been raised. Remember that the inflation adjusted minimum wage was over $12 an hour in 1968. If it had been indexed to inflation since then it would be $16 an hour today. Part of the...
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    Trump daddy

    Voted yesterday. Trump and the most wackdoodle "liberty" committeemen and women I could find. Fly it into the ground.
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    Daytona SX by Honda

    Yes it cost and doesn't start until 10 - tape delay there too.
  12. S

    Daytona SX by Honda

    No live coverage!!!! I got a bunch of cider I made last fall ready to open and a pot of Momma Mike's chili and we turn on the teevee and IT's NOT FREAKIN LIVE!!?? Maybe I shoulda checked first, eh?
  13. S

    Trump daddy

    Does that go for private enterprise? Sounds like you're advocating more regulations.
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    Trump daddy

    Back to Drumpf. Looking like he could have enough to win on first ballot. Maybe. If. I'm getting giddy.
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    Trump daddy

    Anybody that can't make money in a subsidized market should get out of it.
  16. S

    Trump daddy

    There is no rule in Obamacare setting prices on the marketplace. Go look it up. This is why you aren't understanding the argument.
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    Trump daddy

    Read the section on "Insurance" to gain some understanding about how insurance companies work. And why anybody that sets their prices too low to make money is not doing it right which is no fault of Obamacare. Warren Buffett's letter to shareholders 2016...
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    Trump daddy

    I'm curious how the poll Georgie points to knows what Trump thinks since he changes nearly daily? Note that I don't think that's a bad thing. He's my choice for Republifuck nominee.
  19. S

    Trump daddy

    Obamacare was never intended to make insurance company's money. Obamacare works for exactly what it managed to be passed for - insuring more people against catastrophe. Barely that. But the fact that an insurance company can't make money in a market where the customers are subsidized says way...
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    Not on a dirt track. Somewhere I've seen a pic of him in leathers on a dirt track bike.