Search results

  1. C

    Found OMA Card

    My 4 year old picked up a OMA card for Logan Chrissy at the Lake County Faircross. If anyone knows who that is I can ship it to them.
  2. C

    Logan Karnow on Gypsy Tales

    I watched it and enjoyed it. Gypsy Tales - Logan Karnow
  3. C

    04 YZ 250 Knock

    I have a 2004 YZ 250 with a brand new rebuild (top and bottom end). There are virtually no hours on it and I noticed at idle, and ONLY at idle there is a knocking. Some of my buddies I have asked thought it could be the crank bearings but as I said everything's brand new. Wiseco crankshaft kit...
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    WTB:Riding Mower

    If anyone has a riding mower for sale I am looking for one
  5. C

    Theft protection for bikes

    I was just thinking, has anyone ever put a little tracking device on their bike incase it gets stolen? I know they make them small enough to hide on your bike. I just bought a new truck, and with this I have to keep my bikes in my shed. Being worried someone might steal them I was thinking of...