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  1. Carlisle

    Drew adams

    Read that he is not locked up by anyone for a pro contract. If that’s true I find it very interesting. Kid just one both pro sport classes at Loretta’s. How times have changed. All the lites factories are full and he has no one to ride for? Think the ama really needs to restructure there...
  2. Carlisle

    Larocco’s leap!

    Now that red bud is here and gone would love to hear opinions on what you think the future of the jump should be. Over the yrs it gets narlier and narlier! The factory lights riders are not jumping it in consistency if at all , and it’s becoming pretty dangerous imo. I remember when bubba...
  3. Carlisle

    Jett Lawrence out for remainder of motocross!!

    I’m crushed! Lol
  4. Carlisle

    WW ranch, muddy creek?

    What happened to those nationals? Why did they live a short life? I thought muddy creek was a beautiful track and a national in Florida is great since it’s the new home of professional moto/ supercross!!!
  5. Carlisle

    MxON!!! Omg!!

    plessinger, hampshire, and Christian Craig!!!! Wtf? As if Biden wasn’t already making us the laughing stock of the world!!! This definitely doesn’t help! Bahaha
  6. Carlisle


    Carmichael is the worst commentator, makes himself look like a moron with the things he says!!! And to people being introduced to the sport he’s the goat!!! Bahaha!!! Deegan is his own worst enemy!!! And a spaz!! Cochran should have stayed in the amateur, not sure what the rush was to move...
  7. Carlisle

    Electronic steering assist

    mentioned in first moto of unadilla that Justin cooper was running this absolutely ridiculous technology and you see he faded quickly and Stewart even mentioned it looked liked he was having a hard time cornering and steering the bike. Wtf is going on in moto? I understand they are running out...
  8. Carlisle


    I see he is finally back for unadilla!! Think he has anything for Jett? Knowing his personality he’s tired of hearing about jett!! Maybe barcia pulls a holeshot and puts jett in the fences when he tries to pass him!!! The one time I might actually like bam bam!!!
  9. Carlisle


    So with the national right around the corner I have a question! I know the legend and nostalgia of Loretta’s is one of a kind. I’ve been there and yes the atmosphere is amazing. If you step back though and think about it the track itself is not all that. There is zero elevation change...
  10. Carlisle

    MxON predictions

    Weill we be the laughing stock this yr? Sexton obviously if he stays healthy. Big question though, Cooper or deegan for the little class? I think a healthy cooper is faster with more experience but deegan has his following! Or both and they put cooper in open? If not who?
  11. Carlisle


    Oh my word!!! I know I’m beating a dead horse but the 450 class….. I’d rather watch the buckeyes beat Michigan!!!!! Wtf? The 250 class….,, they should just make an adult video with the deegan family!!! Holy s**t!! No hailey but I had to actually listen and look at mr deegan , listen to him...
  12. Carlisle

  13. Carlisle

    Mx express

    Went by it the other day on the turnpike. It’s gone. Completely leveled. Anyone know why?