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  1. MarctheSharc

    Bucket list

    There’s a thread on Vital MX that is getting some major attention. It’s about your MX Bucket List items. Reading through em ….brings to light just HOW BLESSED most of us are to have the Moto Experiences that we do. Rock on – Ohio Rock on – All Pitracer folks
  2. MarctheSharc

    MXoN IronMan 2025

    In -! Tickets bought. MXoN is the BEST racing !!
  3. MarctheSharc

    Stark Varg

    Got a chance to check out the Stark. Got a chance to ride it too. Not on the track - but a few rips when the coast was clear. Only jeans, a T-shirt & a helmet. I HAD to give it back or else I was going piss off a lot of people O.M.G ! Has anyone else ripped one yet? Let's discuss -
  4. MarctheSharc

    108 MOTOS

    42 of the Nations BEST !! Every half hour - LET'S GOOOO!!!! Turn UP the volume & enjoy
  5. MarctheSharc

    SOLD 2022 Gas Gas MC 250f SOLD

    2022 Gas Gas MC 250f, 40 hrs. Stock Vet owned Title in hand Excellent maintenance Hour meter & map switch
  6. MarctheSharc

    Moto Track Guide Very Nice -!!!
  7. MarctheSharc


    All of us know that if ya jump on the turnpike and head West, you’ll eventually hit the Exit’s for Niles / Buchanan. -BUT- If you’re getting a bit itchy, ya really don’t have to take it quite that far. If you make a right on US 131 and go North, you’ll run into the town of MARTiN !!!!! Don’t...
  8. MarctheSharc

    East Fork -?

    No talk on the changes - updates ? Na ? Ok, How about - will he be installing charging stations?
  9. MarctheSharc

    14 Days & Counting

  10. MarctheSharc

    Sunset Ridge MX

    We went to the North Central Area at Sunset Ridge Mx Super easy drive - I-80 the whole way & ya end up in Walnut Illinois - My first time --- SUPER FUN TRACK - !!!! Great for racing with options in every section - So Fun ! A silty, kinda sandy, dark dirt with not a rock to be found Manicured -...
  11. MarctheSharc

    Bryan Kenney

    Before my time, BUT - This guy was a beast Found him in the Vault Anyone know him? Bryan Kenney, Cleveland, OH, United States Overall Race Class Date Machine 15 Road Atlanta 500MX June 2, 1973 Maico 8 Saddleback Park 500MX December 3, 1972 Maico 7 Carnegie Cycle Park 500MX November 26...
  12. MarctheSharc

    TENTATIVE LL's classes for 2022

    TENTATIVE College (18-24), Vet 30+, Senior 40+ & Senior 45+ - all B/C classes Sooo no more bitchin' please +25 & +50 are the ONLY classes open to all - Ha!
  13. MarctheSharc


    Is it true that a bunch of Crypto got stolen ?
  14. MarctheSharc

    Casey Cochran

    Wicked fast, super smooth..... His dropped elbows are undeniable Discuss -
  15. MarctheSharc

    Bout Tree Fiddy -

    Was a great day - The pictures tell the story. Thanks to everyone involved. Here's a link -
  16. MarctheSharc

    Photo Dump

    I've been rummaging through some flash cards Feel free to add some or comment
  17. MarctheSharc


    Edit: Ok, it has something do with Cle But clearly NOT "Made" in Cleveland like I originally thought - from their ABOUT page... -Sustainability Sucks What a horrible term, we do not wish to sustain life on earth, we want life to flourish. Designing a chassis that is agnostic to...
  18. MarctheSharc


    Grabbed this off the MXoN thread on vital, the teams getting prepared Max Nagl's bike Check out the drink selection on the back toolbox (in the flag colors) and the champagne. That team's ready -!!
  19. MarctheSharc

    Anyone know who this is? Anyone know who this is? /\..... I came across this photo of myself, at my very first race in 1974 at Smith Rd Raceway. I'm cool with him using it ....Just wonder if anyone knows the guy or if he's originally...
  20. MarctheSharc

    Another Gay JetSki Thread?

    Not - mad respect and I want to try that !