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  1. John250

    AMA Competition Rules - Flags

    The AMA amateur yellow flag rules for national events is the stupidest rule ever. So you got little Johnny and Bobby and their Daddy's telling them, you see yellow don't you dare back off. And if possible use the yellow to your advantage. Keep racing boys! How in the world does anyone...
  2. John250

    Ironman MX

    Man, look at this line up. Every single event are mega money makers. Almost like the Coombs family and MX Sports own the place. Oh wait ........I forgot, they do have the lease on Ironman. Old Davey cashing in big time. Add in Daytona ASX, all the qualifier and regional fees, and Loretta's...
  3. John250

    Prayers for Jesse Walters

    Many of you may know Jesse Walters. He is unfortunately battling cancer. It is very serious. AP7 has stepped up and is helping out his District 11 buddy. Hopefully the Ohio motocross community can step up and help. Jesse has posted many updates on his condition on his page and the go fund...
  4. John250

    Supercross Results

    OK, someone that knows SX rules explain this to me. Jett went 2-2-21 for an 8th overall. If you DNF you go to the bottom of the results. One guy DNS so he should have been 21st. with the DNF over all. Anyone else see it like that? Its a Triple Crown and all three mains add up to one finish so it...
  5. John250

    Motocross pad for sale

    Anyone want to move to North Carolina? You can buy Brian Deegan's house. It's still for sale. Only a cool $4.5 million.
  6. John250

    Updated Daytona Condos for Rent to include Supercross weekend and Bike Week.

    UPDATED to include BIKE WEEK and SUPERCROSS WEEKEND. Anyone looking to get away from the cold and snow? Looking to ride in Florida? Be there for the 2nd weekend of Bike Week, then stay and ride! 1 hour to Orlando MX. 35 Minutes to Pax Track. Less than 2 hours to about 3 other tracks...
  7. John250

    Logan Karnow

    Interesting story about Logan and his SX Sponsorships.
  8. John250

    Winner winner

    I am going to brag a little on my son again. He did his first Duathalon. A 2.5k run, 12 mile bike ride and 5k run. He ended up winning the overall over everyone by 6 minutes! Don't ever underestimate those Motocrossers who run, ride and spin all the time. Those boys are in shape! Great...
  9. John250

    2024 Honda 450

    Here is a great deal on 2024 CR 450s. Somebody give me a good price on my bike and I would go get my first Honda 450. Includes all fees.
  10. John250


    Professional motocross starts are nothing like they used to be. You have hole shot devices pulled down 8 inches. Launch control. Metal grates. And the starting blocks. I am ok with the launch control, that's just bike technology evolving. I am ok with hole shot devices even. But other...
  11. John250

    KTM in financial trouble?

    Some on here will disagree with me. But I think this economy catches up with people next summer and we see less people racing next year. Now KTM is struggling financially.
  12. John250

    Rich Taylor - X Brand Googles

    Think most people know who Rich Taylor is in MX. This guy sounds like a piece of crap. Tried to take a track down. Sued and got a $750,000 settlement from LACR. Cheated by racing as his son in a regional to get him into Loretta's (admitted to it in court). Damn, what a great guy to...
  13. John250

    Possible new Motocross track in Volusia County FL

    When many local elected officials are trying to close down motocross tracks, there is one County Council Member in Volusia County trying to use tax dollars ($10 million) to bring one into Volusia County not too far from the Daytona Speedway. He has a son that races 85s. He mentions the millions...
  14. John250

    Local SX.

    So Rt. 62 and CTMX are going to have a SX series I guess. The SX track at CTMX looks pretty tame. But this track at Rt. 62 looks a little busy for a local amateur SX. Any bets on how many get hauled out? I don't mean to be like that, but kids skills in their mind are much better than they...
  15. John250

    Freestyle MX Death

    I've said it a million times. Only so far you can push the envelope. These distance jumps and freestyle moves have ZERO room for error and death is a real possibility with one mistake. 27 year old Jayden Archer, the first guy to do a triple back flip, passed away attempting a quadruple...
  16. John250

    Jet Ski thread

    No one seems to want to discuss motocross much on this page anymore. So lets talk about Jet Skis. I think I found a money pit deeper than motocross. A 25 foot twin engine Jet Boat. I got it back at the beginning of last summer. It's tons of fun running out in the inner coastal, anchoring...
  17. John250


    Watching some off shore boat racing and they mention Travis Pastrana being back in the boat. Man he has lived an awesome life. Is there anything he has not had the opportunity to race? Perhaps he needs to do a little flat tracking or road racing.
  18. John250

    KTM Production to china

    Looks like KTM is moving production to China to save some cost. I suppose this is legit.
  19. John250

    Karnow knows his technique

    This is just freaking wierd. ▶️ Watch this reel
  20. John250

    Moto Money Shootout 2024

    Check out the Moto Money Shoot Out at Pax track in Bunnell FL just a few miles from Daytona. The Wednesday before the Daytona SX. Interesting concept. Huge entry fee, but check out the payouts for the six classes! Gonna be some fast guys show up for this one. Think I might take off work...