Search results

  1. C

    Mx Acres Thursday 5/19

    I found them in the track guide on here But it wouldnt hurt to put your track address in your signature
  2. C

    Must Read...Ask the experts!

    I dont know who this guy is but Im liking all of his posts
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    Practice Vs OMA Racing

    Basically you just said you dont care if any other OMA track makes any money , all that matters is you do. Dog eat dog, right? Why get all the new tracks this year from the CRA or SOHMX? Wasnt the point of the OMA to make MX racing great in Ohio again? What kind of organization steals money out...
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    Practice Vs OMA Racing

    Ok, but Wendys or any other business doesnt open another Wendys so close to itself that it hurts their business. Thats what you did on saturday running practice on top of RT62 practice. Did you invite him into the OMA? Thats a welcome wagon of screw you pal. Like I said I get running against...
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    MX Express Opener

    Many tracks south of Ohio have membership fees. If you frequent the track it isnt that much extra over say 10 practices. The spectator fee how ever....... If they do well wait a year or two and the other Ohio tracks will slowly follow suit though
  6. C

    mayor Jackson

    They were scoping the joint. Havent any of you seen the problems at Budds Creek? Bikes that were at practices are being stolen from the home of the owners a few days later. Google it.
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    Practice Vs OMA Racing

    Great, I get it. Racing and practice are a different game. But what about the bad move of holding practice the same day as his practice being like 15 mins away? That isnt the business of making money and different beasts, that taking money out of the pockets of both of you, especially since this...
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    Rt 62 MX ..... why am I only hearing crickets??

    I heard from a rider there it turned out to be a mans track, the same quote RC used about Southwick. It must have been rough and fun. Too bad a track around the corner had practice the same saturday as Rt62. Bad move on the part of the OMA. Arent they watching out for one another or is it just...
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    Rt 62 MX ..... why am I only hearing crickets??

    I bet he blamed it on James Stewart too!
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    Vital MX

    Or maybe you're just an asshat.
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    What lurks in the Vet section ?

    Seriously, what hides in there? Winning lottery numbers? All access passes to adult entertainment facilities? The meaning of life? Video files of watermelon crushing by Gallagher? RC4's personal cell number? How does one access the land of ultimate vet entertainment and knowledge?
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    Trump daddy

    What is everyones take on what happens if Trump has the most votes yet doesnt get the nomination? For or against him isnt that a mockery of our system? It shouldnt matter what party or candidate you back I believe it will prove once and for all how corrupt american politics have become. Thoughts?
  13. C

    OMA's 125 class?

    Ha, the 259 was just in your honor! Ive seen other members call you John259 so I figured I wanted to be as great as you. From an outsiders stand point I think Ive hit the nail on the head. You said: "probably bubba on his couch back home on his couch. to be bubba or a fan boy for...
  14. C

    OMA's 125 class?

    Ok, long time lurker here turned user. This John250 dude, wtf is his problem? ALl he does is bitch and moan about womans class, James stewart , tracks and now 250f bikes. Is he a chauvinistic closet gay that hates colored people or what? Some one needs to slip that guy a mickey or something...