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  1. Jack Bierbower

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    Beans for me.
  2. Jack Bierbower

    Bucket list

    A big crew of members from Western Reserve go up to Michigan every year in the fall for a trail ride - maybe one of those guys can chime in. I blew a trail trip I had planned from my concussion last year. We were looking at Gladwin and Leota. Try again this fall! I am heading up to Michigan...
  3. Jack Bierbower

    Trick Tool Box

    Hard to beat the bucket - I used a milk crate for while until I had premix break and leak alllllll over the van floor.
  4. Jack Bierbower

    Too many options too many series

    Just looking at results not putting a ton of effort into this comment/observation It looks like… 1.) Scott/Buckeye crushes youth classes (50’s, 65’s and 85’s) 2.) If they’re not at East Fork or Chillitown numbers look pretty similar to up north. Being that I’m stepping out of the...
  5. Jack Bierbower

    Trick Tool Box

    I have a flip up table on one of my doors I built with some Amazon hardware and it has been awesome. Helmet, goggles, gloves, drinks. Only bad part of a van is no tailgate lol.
  6. Jack Bierbower

    Trick Tool Box

    As long as I skip all the chores around the house I have plenty. ahhh those are trick.
  7. Jack Bierbower

    Trick Tool Box

    I use some hobo freight in my track box since they walk off sometimes when I lend them out. Shop box has some of my nice stuff in it. Which is quickly filling up…guess I need a new box for the shop too.
  8. Jack Bierbower

    Trick Tool Box

    Did you guys cut the foam by hand? Or one of the services that do it?
  9. Jack Bierbower

    Trick Tool Box

    Yeah but we’re getting one right……
  10. Jack Bierbower

    Trick Tool Box

    Trying to find out! Lol. It looks like little clips but I’m not 100% sure
  11. Jack Bierbower

    Trick Tool Box

    I’m a tool dork and I’ve been trying to find a set up I can replace my shitty craftsman box with that lives in the van. I dig this set up from Lesher’s mechanic. Bicycle guys have some sweet pelican cases with foam too. I love my Kowa t-handle set I picked up from Mark Fox a couple years...
  12. Jack Bierbower

    2025 Loretta Lynn's

    I am a scoop guy (not that I’ve done anything on a bike worth talking about ever) - I run the scoop a lot and at tracks you probably shouldn’t be scooping. BUT I think it’s an advantage on the start and for first moto. Once second moto rolls around I think the MX34 is probably a better...
  13. Jack Bierbower

    A ny one seen a deal on a new 125?

    I talked my college land lady into trading an old Honda CB street bike she had for the black yz125. Then I bought the YZ off her for $700 or something. It was a real basket case I spent so much money on that thing. Sold it a year later or so and lost my ass.
  14. Jack Bierbower

    A ny one seen a deal on a new 125?

    125 was your comeback bike right Georgie? Quarter life crisis type stuff? I’m running down on 30 and I can feel it.
  15. Jack Bierbower

    A ny one seen a deal on a new 125?

    I really want to check lap times back to back on different bikes. I highly doubt my lap times change that much 125 to 450. Pape smoked local vets on a 125 for years. $6.5k YZ125 vs $12k works edition 450. Pfff. $5,500 - I could better spend on tires, riding lessons and a gym membership.
  16. Jack Bierbower

    A ny one seen a deal on a new 125?

    You passed me somewhere recently on my 450 and my ego needed that reality check. LOL.
  17. Jack Bierbower

    A ny one seen a deal on a new 125?

    Man I get this disease every few years where I want to get another YZ125….
  18. Jack Bierbower


    Definitely bikes sitting on the floors right now. AES is giving some smoking deals on KTM and GG right now. Japanese companies seem to hold the line a bit harder on pricing for leftover inventory. Except Kawi - in the fall they give massive discounts to move bikes it seems.