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  1. C

    Deegan News

    I don't think its staged since a public records search shows he was charged and posted bond. The easiest way to find out if it was staged is to do a publics records request to that sheriff's office asking for all reports, bodycams, photographs and anything else related to Deegan in the last 30...
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    Summit Indoors Round 2 Feb 21-22

    Any idea when they'll post the results?
  3. C

    Logan Karnow

    I like popcorn
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    Mx des nations

    Do you also wear a tin foil hat?
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    Rider Support & Discount Codes

    If you type in STICKERS on motosport you get free shipping everytime
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    Mx des nations

    You're a pretty angry individual. I had metal removed after 6 months because the doc said so. Why are you so angry? Who hurt you? I have a doll if you need to show me where you're hurt.
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    Mx des nations

    He's getting metal removed from his hand. I wouldn't say he's a bitch. He'll be down next year I bet. If you're hurt, you're hurt.
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    I just wish they would bring back whoops in supercross
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    Carter Gray getting docked

    The most important thing here is his bikes are for sale on Facebook marketplace and in dirt bike groups. Who’s buying them?
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    Found OMA Card

    My 4 year old picked up a OMA card for Logan Chrissy at the Lake County Faircross. If anyone knows who that is I can ship it to them.
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    04 YZ 250 Knock

    Update. It was the water pump gear tooth that broke off and was flopping around. Once I replaced it the noise went away.
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    I have an hour drive to work. I enjoy long podcasts especially Shawn Ryan and Gypsy Tales. When I listen to short ones I have to constantly break the distracted driving laws and find a new thing to put on. Shorter shows makes me a criminal.
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    Logan Karnow on Gypsy Tales

    I watched it and enjoyed it. Gypsy Tales - Logan Karnow
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    04 YZ 250 Knock

    I’m wondering if it’s a A sized piston in a B sized cylinder
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    04 YZ 250 Knock

    Here’s the video not blurry. Not sure what happened on the upload.
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    04 YZ 250 Knock

    Is this normal? I’ve personally never seen this much play with a piston before but this is also my first Yamaha.
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    04 YZ 250 Knock

    I have a 2004 YZ 250 with a brand new rebuild (top and bottom end). There are virtually no hours on it and I noticed at idle, and ONLY at idle there is a knocking. Some of my buddies I have asked thought it could be the crank bearings but as I said everything's brand new. Wiseco crankshaft kit...
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    WTB:Riding Mower

    If anyone has a riding mower for sale I am looking for one
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    Theft protection for bikes

    Well it's a felony for this particular crime. I wouldn't mind catching them still, even if you did have a bad experience with them getting off with a lower charge. Because even if they do get off, and they keep doing it, it will catch up to them and they will go away for it eventually. 2911.13...
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    Theft protection for bikes

    I guess I would rather catch the criminal rather than letting them have a free bike, even if it means I get a new bike. I get attached easily too.