Search results

  1. Scotty810

    Indy SX Pits?

    Heading to Indy SX this weekend. Do they have the pits open, and if so, does a Monster can get you in for free?
  2. Scotty810

    Bike Stolen!

    My 2005 CRF450R was stolen from my storage unit Sunday. Has 810 on it. Please keep an eye out. Also missing new street tires, ramps, gas can, helmets, boots, chest protector, etc. Storage unit has video footage they are going through, so hopefully we catch these scum bags.
  3. Scotty810

    Air Force One - Dayton

    As you may or may not know, Obama and the British Prime Minister were in Dayton yesterday for March Madness at The University of Dayton arena. I knew he was flying into Wright Patt AFB which isn't far from where I live. Around 10p I was sitting near a window and heard a jet. Sure enough...
  4. Scotty810

    On The Edge!

    Pretty wild!
  5. Scotty810

    Republican Primary - Your Pick?

    Who do you like and why? Who do you think will win? I think Romney will win, but I don't like him. Seems to much like a "snake-oil-sales-type" to me. Ron Paul has some good ideas, but I think he is too far out there sometimes to win. I probably like Newt the best. I don't agree with...
  6. Scotty810

    What is Your Job?

    Curious what people do for a living to support our expensive hobby. I am still going to school, but I work for the mechanical engineering department at Wright State University as a Graduate Research Assistant.
  7. Scotty810

    Poetry In Motion.....

    I could watch this guy all day.....
  8. Scotty810

    2005 Ford E150 Problems - 4.6L Engine

    My moto van has been acting up. It won't idle properly and quits most of the time I approach intersections and the engine drops to idle. Here is some background. - Replaced headlight switch the day this behavior started. Disconnected battery during this process and I think that resets the...
  9. Scotty810

    Jason 145 Hurt

    It was briefly mentioned in another thread, but Jason took a pretty good beating this weekend. I don't know all the details, but here is a quick run down on what I got from him. - Fractured neck - Fractured ribs - Fractured scapulia - He had surgery Monday to repair neck damage - He is...
  10. Scotty810

    Great Lakes Grand Prix

    Looks like a fun event. Anyone interested in heading up? You can race Saturday and Sunday, or just one day. October 1 and 2 at the Otsego Club Resort, Gaylord MI.
  11. Scotty810

    Area 51 MX - Worth the Drive?

    I'm thinking of heading up to Area 51 MX in Batavia, NY sometime this fall. They have open practices on Wednesdays, but you can purchase a week long membership for $150 (includes open riding for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday). You can also do a daily membership for $50. I am...
  12. Scotty810

    What Do You Hate About Your Bike?

    What part of owning your MX bike do you hate? This can be a maintenance task, a part on the bike, etc. There are several things I just can't stand, so I am curious if anyone else feels the same way. Fire away!
  13. Scotty810

    Anyone Have Old Rims?

    I have a project at school and I am looking for a front and rear rim. I would prefer a relatively new rim, but it can be smashed up. I mainly need dimensions and material property type data. I need to cut them, so I don't want good rims. Anyone have some bent rims you don't need?
  14. Scotty810

    OHMX Ohio State Championship Series

    Who is in? Sunday Creek kicks things off this weekend. I'm typically not a racer, but this is a short series (not thirty some races!) at some of my favorite tracks. Never ridden at Sunday Creek or Fast Trax but I have heard good things. I also like being able to practice the day before...
  15. Scotty810

    Suzuki Out?

    I heard a rumor that Suzuki is done. The quake/Tsunami hit them too hard and they were on thin ice to begin with. Any truth to this?
  16. Scotty810

    Nuclear Plants in Japan

    Everyone following this? I am AMAZED at how horrible the coverage of this event has been. The info babes and talking head of the 24 hour news channels are just spreading fear and panic. With all this hype, they are going to keep the U.S. from building more nuclear plants. We need more...
  17. Scotty810

    IBM Watson on Jeopardy

    Anyone see Jeopardy this week? Monday-Wednesday they have that IBM computer competing against Ken Jennings and another Jeopardy champ. Pretty amazing stuff. I can't believe how fast that thing can go through data.
  18. Scotty810

    Air Filter Cleaning Process

    What system does everyone use for air filter maintenance? Specifically, I'm looking for the filter brand, type of oil you use, and how you clean it. Now that I live in an apartment, I need to find an efficient/clean way to deal with this hassle. Previously I've used gas to wash them, then...