between the rain on saturday,I got my group out for a photo shoot,later in the day I rode the blue DRZ400S in the worst rain every in 40yrs of riding coming back from a friends place in oberlin
just a heads up for you vintage trials riders,june 4th ohio valley BSA owners club has their event in toronto ohio,usually big fun,use OVBSAOC as your key word in a search to get to their site,Troyan and I should be there
1970 TS90,picked up at midohio last year,a runner but not in that condition,had to replace the crank as at one time the right bearing had seized and wore the crank down by .05mm,when you decellerate you could hear the bearing spin by itself(had been replaced at one time),has a TC100 crank which is .50mm shorter than the 90s stroke
was my first bike about 73-74
It's amazing that it still ran but you couldn't abide by Requirement 8 with a bad crank.
This is from a manual that I found online for my first Yamaha, a '69 LT5 100. Requirement 8 is the only requirement that I didn't totally violate with that bike. So I must have been about 90% bad as a early teen. lol!
could not read what requirement #8 was,but yeah kinda suprised me when I took it apart and found that,got to love old bikes as a lot of stuff that screws up the newer stuff does not even faze them
hahahaha,yep,that would have been a problem with this bike,kind of like a sprage clutch on a late model street bike clutch but all is good now
one feature I really like on this bike is the mixture control on the left bar,makes for fuel adjustments on the fly as well as starting the bike