Bike Porn (Courtesy of S.S 767)

Stephan Spagina built this cr 250. not idea on any of the details just know that he did a Grade A job putting it together

I've Just been seeing this come across my facebook and am in no way trying to steal Stephens thunder on this project,

I'm just here to give you guys something to look at while we wait for the weather to make up it mind. This is definitely one of the best looking bikes ive seen.

Great build. If you still post on here give us a full write up!

Im in the process of building a couple bikes myself, hopefully going to finish them up this weekend and and have a write up to share with you guys.

droll on.


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Sweet ! Gary Bruce did the same type of project last year. Great to see people making it work for two strokes !
Haha just saw this, thanks Hoyack! I have a few more sponsors I would like to get on my bike and then I was going to put up a full post. Those aren't all my bikes, I keep mine in a community garage here at college with my girlfriend and my friends. This is my one and only bike until i graduate and get a new Honda 450.. I've been building this 250 since october. And please tell me that the bomber bike rule isn't really 97' and older!?! i wasn't primarily going to ride bomber but the thought had crossed my mind since it is a 2002, and i'm sure i have seen way newer bikes than a 97 in bomber bike class.
This bike is for sale.. I dumped about 2500 into it this past winter, and rode it 12 times. I moved to Virginia and would like to buy a house, so selling this towards a down payment is something I have been tossing around. Thenn a new 350 In the Spring im thinkin...I'll list the bike later today, pm me for details.