Malvern start time?


Alright everyone let's hear it, I need to know what everyone's thoughts are on a earlier race schedule for our Saturday night races. My main concern is people that work till noon on Saturday but I have also had people tell me they like the night race because they don't burn their whole Saturday and can get other things done. Having the track ready earlier is not a problem on my end. Bottom line is I want everyone to come and enjoy themselves so if we can tweak the schedule a little to provide a better program without costing us rider turnout I'm all for it. I am considering a practice at 2:30 race at 4:00. Jason
4pm start would be good For Saturday races I would think. Shouldn't kill turnout. If anything it might stay even with late haters coming and the early haters not coming. . . Hard to tell!
Pit, currently practice is at 3:30 and racing at 5. The Lotts' family would be in support of the time change. I myself do not like lining up at the gate at 1 am. I am to old lol. However I understand that is going to happen from time to time and you can't please everyone. Yes people like the night races cause they don't mess up the whole day, but you can look at it on the flip side in that last weekend we got home at 3 am so you either sleep half the day Sunday or you get up at normal time and spend the day cranky. The second one would be me. lol Jason, just wanted to say we were there last weekend and you are doing a great job. Keep up the good work, we will be back.
I'm in for the earlier start time also, it is never a good thing to get home at 3am from racing and I live 15mins away!
when we start on time, which we always struggle with (previous years included) and minimal delays we finish up between 11 and midnight up to 25 motos. With also wanting to race 4-4 moto format, maybe prac at 3 and racing at 5. If we start earlier, then cool beans. This is going to be a tricky decision. If a good turnout comes through, then 4-4 would be hard to do and finished by 11-midnight but possible even starting at 4pm racing. Time starts with operation, like everything rises or falls upon leadership in any case, just sayin. I'm all for finishing earlier but operation keeps time in check. So a slightly earlier start time with on point operation is a good balance. With previous turnouts of 250 riders on average last year with 20-25 takes about about 8 hours from start to finish. That includes up to 1/2 hr. or slightly more in delays. I may be stuck in my thinking too. So the question with all things starting at 4pm with solid operation the way to go? Is 1 1/2 hrs. enough time for practice? The biggest point is how will it effect turnout? Again, I love Malvern and am thankful Jason is in leadership and am thankful of past leadership. All roads at Malvern lead to good things for our riding community in the future. I stand behind and with whatever decision Jason makes.
earlier start time would be cool, especially if it means we will get 4 laps min in all motos. The laps are the big factor for me, im less likely to return to any tracks raceday if they dont run enough laps in their races.
With also wanting to race 4-4 moto format, maybe prac at 3 and racing at 5. If we start earlier, then cool beans. This is going to be a tricky decision. If a good turnout comes through, then 4-4 would be hard to do and finished by 11-midnight but possible even starting at 4pm racing.

Maybe run big bikes 4-4 atleast. I hate getting motos cut a lap when big bikes typically run only around 2 min laps at tracks, and 50cc run like twice the amount. Which gives them twice the amount of track time. Seems more logical to just run minis a lap less if time is an issue. Kinda ruins the races if you are only out there for 5-6 minutes
Maybe run big bikes 4-4 atleast. I hate getting motos cut a lap when big bikes typically run only around 2 min laps at tracks, and 50cc run like twice the amount. Which gives them twice the amount of track time. Seems more logical to just run minis a lap less if time is an issue. Kinda ruins the races if you are only out there for 5-6 minutes

I'm definitely for keeping the 4-4 format for big bikes, and 4-3 for the smaller bikes. I come around on the 3rd lap, and see the flagger and I'm just thinking "that was it?"

Also, I know my whole family would love to start racing at 4pm. None of us like being out there till 1:00-1:30.
Maybe run big bikes 4-4 atleast. I hate getting motos cut a lap when big bikes typically run only around 2 min laps at tracks, and 50cc run like twice the amount. Which gives them twice the amount of track time. Seems more logical to just run minis a lap less if time is an issue. Kinda ruins the races if you are only out there for 5-6 minutes

The minis are already cut with running a shorter track, so they deserve 4-4 if the big bikes do. The boy averages 1:40 laptimes on the shortened track on a 50cc miniquad.
Are the bike track lap times around the same?

Seat time is all about equal for te classes. That's why they run the shortened track.
Are the bike track lap times around the same?

Seat time is all about equal for te classes. That's why they run the shortened track.

Not sure of the bike laptimes, I'm sure the PW50s are a bit slower. I understand the shortened track deal, My point is that I would take it a bit unfair if the big bikes get 4 and the kids get 3. JMO, I'm a parent so I am biased. My neighbor and I, when we do race, enjoy the 3 laps for the second moto. I think it may be an age/outa shape thing. Whatever works for the Malvern crew, we shall adjust. There are not many places left to race with a good gate count so we will support all we can. Georgie, I thought you did a great job announcing last race, especially keeping us up to date of the race order. Thanks, Matt.
I haven't raced Malvern in a couple years so I don't remember their format, I was just referring to tracks in general. If everyone has equal track time And if we get enough tracktime for our $$, then thats what counts. I always enjoyed racing at Malvern though and plan to hit their races again very soon!