halffast is added to the injury list


PR Elite
Randy, thanks for taking the time to update us on your injury and a how you're doing.

It's easy to understand how you'd find this injury a bit worrisome with diabetes complicating things and the forced decision to not ride anymore is a rough one too. Very sorry to hear you're confronted with a couple of tough bumps in the road that you have to deal with. Hopefully in the not too distant future, you'll be able to look back on this as just that...a bump in the road.

If you're trying to come up with a way to stay involved in the sport in some way, maybe you could head up putting together some kind of Ohio based vintage mx organization :)

Good luck with your recovery and keep us updated!


PR Founding Father
You can take the man away from motocross, but you can never take the motocross out of the man......
Stay strong, keep plugging along, and things will get better. You never know how you might feel next Spring.


PR Elite

Hope things are going a little better for you this week & that you get back on your feet soon.

Maico Mark


PR Elite
Randy's Broken Leg.jpgSaw my surgeon yesterday for the first followup to the surgery . No sign of the bones healing yet : thanks diabetes . Pretty gnarly scars . The one on the outside of my leg is about 11 inches long from where they put in a plate . I was in a splint/soft cast thingy and was having a lot of pain , especially across the top of my foot where nothing was even broken . Turns out they cranked the wrappings on too tight . Actually caused an open wound that I didn't have before . I convinced the nurse to wrap it back up a bit looser and , wow , does it feel better . Even cutting back on the meds now . Sure felt good having that thing off for a little while and I could even flex my ankle with hardly any pain . So , 2 more weeks in the splint thingy , get stitches out , in a hard cast for 6-8 weeks , then into some kind of air boot for who knows how long . My blood sugars are finally starting to stabilize and get closer to normal . Vision is a bit blurry . Am in a constant light sweat and if I exert myself at all , I swear I'm almost projectile sweating . Tried some upper body exercise with a band but everything seems to wear me out and make sweating worse . Tired of sitting . Might have to use " Monkey Butt " powder . Surgeon wants me immobile with the leg elevated . THIS SUCKS ! Can't even have a beer with the meds I'm on . I'm trying to stay positive and fight for a good recovery . I think of Joey Rice often . His injuries are far worse than mine and I wish him the very best .


PR Founding Father
Holy Cow Randy! That is some jigsaw puzzle there......Take it easy on that leg and heal up.....


PR Elite
Good luck getting through airport security with that setup.
Thanks for showing the pic, I just found another reason to slow down and ride more cautious.

Thinking of you and hope it heals soon.


PR Elite
Ouch as I see about 16 screws which is enought to almost build a Maico!

Thought my 7 screws looked nasty but yours make mine look like a band-aid cut.

Hope you get to feeling better soon.
