Whip it.....whip it good


PR Founding Father
Crappy pics from my old point and shoot but I saw Meister mention these......

From PitRacer ride day 2003 at Spring Valley.


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Nice! Red bud regional practice 05! (I think)

The sv pit ride day was bad ass! There are some other shots pit took too that day. For some reason I remember some days like they were yesterday lol..

Now only if Mr. 16 could find the old ramp pics!

Pit also has one of a sideways whip on that step up at..... was it beechwood? I was there once, hit the long jump once in the mud..

2000 - 2002ish beans tunnel was fun too..
The long beechwood jump was a leap!! I think it was 170' to catch the downside. 220' was longest I ever made it, fifth gear wound tight. Jason
I have some of that ride day also...of Meister and 16 I have to find them some time this week!
Awesome Jon! I've missed that picture. I miss that ramp and landing even more!

That's a sweet picture from beans. Only issue about that jump is I cannot whip it to the right! You can see that trend in the pics above lol. Once I get back down and do the table single with a properly suspended bike, I think that may be a good whip jump for me.

Anywhere I've ridden lately I cannot think of a good jump around to whip it to the left.. lol