Wanted: Kids strider balance bike

Midway yamaha has them for 89.00. I bought 2 for my 2 1/2 yo kids. Greatest thing for learning to balance!
Heard a rumor (from my 3 year old grandson) that a PitRacer member has an official Strider Bike National Track built @ their house.

Could be a private practice facility so I wont take the liberty of mentioning any names. Maybe sometime the tattoo parlor is closed, they will prep and invite us all over for a Central Ohio Strider ride day?
i want one... lol.

Heard a rumor (from my 3 year old grandson) that a PitRacer member has an official Strider Bike National Track built @ their house.

Could be a private practice facility so I wont take the liberty of mentioning any names. Maybe sometime the tattoo parlor is closed, they will prep and invite us all over for a Central Ohio Strider ride day?

Do tell, the kids are getting too good on them !!!
State 8 sells them too. The best thing invented lol... Our daughter rides it on our little kids track at dirtworld when were over there. She loves it and it doesnt take long at all before they are lifting their feet up and flying down the jumps. Its pretty sweet!
Heard a rumor (from my 3 year old grandson) that a PitRacer member has an official Strider Bike National Track built @ their house.

Could be a private practice facility so I wont take the liberty of mentioning any names. Maybe sometime the tattoo parlor is closed, they will prep and invite us all over for a Central Ohio Strider ride day?

ahhhhh! shhhhhhh My little guy rides that track to death! and yes its pretty cool for 110s too. mikki is usually home watching him train.. haha